It isn’t in a sexual way (well… maybe a few sexual jokes), but more of comparing our bodies because we all are competitive with working out. They are the only people I had ever sent those types of pictures to as well, and it’s consensual (so don’t call me creepy lol). I just want someone to tell me if this is normal or not.

Edit: We are all straight, and all seen eachothers parts so I dont see how I’m gay when I look at them purely as brothers.

  1. “normal” is an illusion. if you and your friends enjoy doing it and it’s not hurting anyone, then it’s fine

  2. I think it’s called “brosexual.”

    Whatever though. As long as you’re all 18+, send away.

  3. I mean, if my husband was sending his friends nude pics yeah I’d think that was really weird and Id be asking him if Im his beard lol but it’s okay to be weird.

  4. If one of your friends was gay this would be a hilarious way to add photos to the spank bank.

  5. I don’t understand why you wouldn’t just send pictures with boxers/shorts on? Are you guys working out your dick muscles too?

  6. Sure, just know not all of you are joking and some of you may be curious or closeted

  7. Consenting adults. Everyone happy and everyone on the same page. Even if it “isn’t normal” by someone else’s standard, just don’t give a damn homie.

  8. Nudes!? No way. But physique updates 100%. My beans and mash are not in the photos ever. When I was hitting the gym hard me and some of my former gym rat buddies had a group chat where we did Fysique Fridays and we would share progress and what we had been working on. 99% of the time it was to get some praise for our progress as we weren’t getting it from ourselves or SOs.

  9. Anything can be hetero provided that you assert the incontrovertible “no homo” as a matter of course.

  10. Definitely weird bro! Are you guys like in the closet lowkey ? Lol. Had the same bestfriend since I was In 4th grade , I’m 26 now, I never want to see his balls . Ever !

  11. People don’t send nudes to anyone unless they want something usually sexual out of it. Very very few exceptions from that. Like if you’re a coroner or a medical adviser

  12. Studies say, one out of 5 guys is gay. No idea who that would be in my crew, but I hope it’s Dave, he’s the cutest

  13. Sounds pretty gay. Idk why you would just wear underwear for the pics. Like they’ve already seen your dick at this point so why do they need to keep seeing it. It’s not gonna change no matter how hard you work it out lol

  14. Normal, no. Anything wrong with it, I guess not. They could black mail you or be jerking off to your pics, or just send them to other people.

  15. >It isn’t in a sexual way

    Look, bro. I know you guys said “no homo” and all, but it’s gay. There’s no way to spin this.


    >I dont see how I’m gay when I look at them purely as brothers.

    Alabama 💯

  16. 1. Don’t do this if you’re a minor
    2. Don’t do this if your world would collapse if your nudes were leaked
    3. Don’t do this if someone or yourself starts to feel uncomfortable with it
    4. Personally I would never do this. And i’m a girl. I am a little weirded out. But we all grow up differently and feel differently about nudity.

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