We’re not in a relationship anymore ( we have never been actually, it was just two sided LDR dating kind of thing).

We are friends now cos he doesn’t love me like that anymore (because I judged him, said him some rude things back then and caused him a lot of anxiety for 2 months). But I don’t do that anymore, I’m way more careful with him now.

He is not manipulative person at all, he is really honest and cares about me a lot.

But sometimes he confuses me, he seems like still interested in (some days) then everything goes wrong again. Because he once didn’t sleep until 3 AM just to talk to me (he usually sleeps at 10 and hates sleeping late), wanted to call me, and other stuffs, he was almost begging me to keep talking to him that night (he wasn’t drunk or anything). Texted me 3-4 times in a row in that week.

But after a few days when I asked about his feelings towards me, he said he loves me friendly, no more or less, not romantically.

I’m a really jealous person. I know he talks to many girls, he says he’s friends with them but when he shares the screenshots of the messages with his female friends in his story, I wanna cry and feel extremely sad.

I’m feeling dead inside. Is there anymore can listen to me and try to help me? It’s actually a lot more than that I just don’t wanna give many details here. I can’t stop crying and I want to die, for real.

1 comment
  1. Just communicate that you can’t be just friends because of your jealous insecurities and then part ways until a point in which it doesn’t bother you again or never.

    Or learn how to control your emotions and not feel possessive ownership over other free spirited beings.

    Jealousy is something we all have to deal with, but dealing with it’s projections is a practices skill.

    Get some poly friends that can teach you from their experience, go on a journey… Enlighten yourself for the next time.

    To dwell on the negativities of a lesson learned is a waste of a good lesson. Celebrate the time you have with him and do better!

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