I have had premature ejaculation for a while and I’ve found ways to temporarily make it work but my main question is.

When u have sex can u continue to fuck while ur like somewhat close to orgasm?

if I don’t do anything or take anything for the p.e then the second I put it in I get somewhat close to orgasm and I can survive like 60 seconds maybe at a slowish normal pace.

When I do use things for p.e I typically can fuck without getting close to orgasm for a while, 5-7 mins plus but then it sneaks up on me and I realize I’m close and then once I realize that then it’s over 10 seconds later. So yea I can’t have sex if im even close to an orgasm and wondering how others feel

  1. If you focous on the finish, you’re going to finish. When I get close and don’t want to be I switch it up. I finger fuck her or go down on her. As long as you let her know you’re about to bust and don’t, and then help her, no lady will ever fault you.

  2. Sometimes if I finish early or fast I can sort of just keep fucking on the cumdown and I’ll catch a second wind, so to speak. After that it’s up to her 🙂

  3. 5-7 minutes is pretty average, so if you’re able to do that, pat yourself on the back, you’re normal. I know you’ve read about sex going on for hours and see porn videos that go on for 45 minutes, but that’s not realistic for the vast majority of guys. Put your time in on foreplay, give her as many orgasms as she wants, and then do your 5-7 minute thing and have a nice orgasm. That’s actually good sex.

    I think PE is mostly an emotional thing. If you’re stressed and worried about it, it’s probably gonna happen. Get really comfortable with your partner(s), focus on their pleasure, and then go to PIV and take it slow. If you feel it coming on, pull out and squeeze the head of your penis, hard, for a few seconds, and go back in. You can do this over and over to prolong PIV. Eventually you may find that this trains you to be able to last longer.

    But again, if you’re lasting 5-7 minutes of PIV, that’s just fine. As long as you take care of your partner with oral, hands, etc., most women will be more than happy with you.

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