What was your worst date ever?

  1. Date as in day month year 9/11 sort of thing or dating date and the guy turns up drunk is sick on you then stacks you sort of thing.

  2. He farted on a first date and tried to kiss me right after.

    I never ran faster.

  3. In college, a guy I knew and his girlfriend kept pressuring me to date the girlfriend’s sister because apparently she was very interested in me. I didn’t really have any interest in her, but they kept bugging me and I didn’t have anyone I was interested in at the time so I agreed to do it. The date itself wasn’t really that bad, but I didn’t feel any spark with her. At the end of it, as we were saying goodnight, she leaned in for a kiss and I decided to go with it. During the kiss she bit my lip enough to make it bleed.

  4. While not exactly an agreed upon date but it happened today. I was with friends in a pub. Another guy from our group came to join us and he was accompanied by the most beautiful colleague of his ever. She is local, kind of like me while the rest are not. We were all talking and laughing, she looked at me all the evening, I tried to look at her, but in the end they came together, so I left.

    Feel sad. She is absolutely the kind of girl I like but she came with someone I know (they are not dating). Sad.

  5. It ended with him calling me spastic and saying he didn’t wanna see me again. Damn, twist the knife, why don’t you?

  6. Was talked into taking a girl new to the area skiing back in the days of wearing Levi’s. It was ok (I loved skiing) but there wasn’t any spark.When I got home that evening I discovered my fly had been open all day…

  7. Most memorable? Probably the woman who shot up heroin on my bathroom floor after a bizarre light dinner and drinks. I just thought she was a little kooky and not an addict. Somehow, she got her life together and now she’s a Resident Physician.

    Worst? I was set up by a friend, we ended up at her favorite restaurant, Applebee’s. We didn’t have much in common, so I suggested a movie. She excitedly wanted to see “Twilight,” I said fuck it. She was in rapt attention at the edge of her seat the whole time, after the movie she told me it was the sixth time she saw it. I took her home, we made out, she gave me a BJ that rated a solid 7/10. I didn’t ask her on a second date. It was so meh it seemed surreal.

  8. I got catfished by a fatso who used a bunch of clever angles in pics to hide her fatness on the dating app.

    It seemed rude to just walk out on her. But then I realized that she did what she did on purpose. So, I didn’t owe her anything.

    So, I just walked out. And ghosted her.

  9. Had a Match.com date years ago. Breakfast date. She was so rude to me and the wait staff that I excused myself to go to the bathroom and left out the back door.

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