How did it feel hearing “I love you” for the first time?

  1. I had an overwhelming mixed emotions. I was elated, amazed, touched, and scared. It was very special time for me, and to share it with someone I truly cared about was important. Hearing it from him was something I will always remember.

  2. Romantically? It was pretty meh. I didn’t believe it. It was coming from someone who was massively immature, barely a few weeks into my first-ever relationship. I knew he was just saying it because it felt like the next step.

    It was decidedly untrue, as he ended up proving just a few weeks later.

  3. I have heard it four “first times” in my life. Each was a different experience really. It all depends so much on who that person is and your relationship with them. My latest one was very special though. It felt a bit like when you take a deep breath and you just relax and you feel this sort of light sensation. It was a relief and amazement and just a lot all at once.

  4. For this relationship (my husband) the first time was like a cliché weightless, invincible sensation. I felt it so early in our relationship and was worried saying it too soon was gonna backfire, but he actually said it first, like literally a month in lol.

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