As the title says, my parents used to be so strict that making friendships is not allowed, and even sometimes beat me for it, that only “studying is important”, friends are waste of time and might guide you to bad places (although they’re children lol).

Now, I am 24, engineer, with good income, but without any friend, any sexual intimacy, or intimacy in general. Extremely soically awkward that I am in constant isolation. I think I’m depressed becuase of that too.

I also noticed that even with the slightest interaction, I will always give everything I have to not upset the other person, like a person with no ego.

I failed so terribly in fixing these problems, and accepted isolation.

All in all, I just want to know if anyone has this problem too, let me know you are there!

1 comment
  1. I had similar issues but to a way less severe extent and thankfully was able to fix it a bit earlier too. A big help when combatting this is reaching out to a therapist, talking to them, understanding the past and how it affects you today and why. Once you get a grasp of this and open up to a stranger (therapist) you can better your situation homie

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