What defines the “average man”?

  1. ‘average’ raises a lot of conflicting opinions because most people don’t understand what it means and mistakenly think that ‘average’ means the same as ‘neutral’ or ‘okay’, which isn’t actually the case.

    if you’re an average man, that means your options are extremely limited, men don’t have the privilege of being able to get away with being mediocre.

  2. I would say

    Makes 50k a year at a dead end job
    Small to medium pot belly
    Drives a Honda Civic

  3. 8 inches 5’6 married and wondering why I was born with underdeveloped asscheeks.

  4. Height, income, fitness, looks. If your average in any one of these areas your considered the average man.

  5. The average US man is one who has lost about 60 percent of his 401k to the markrt.

  6. And man who pays his bills through having a stable job, has car, good credit. Also including, average height (5’8” I think), healthy weight, all those average measurements.
    That’s an average man, and he will looked at as boring

  7. The average person is an Asian female named Mohammed Smith so that’s your starting point.

  8. 5’8 170 lbs. Average build wears generic clothes and new balance shoes works office job that he hates has wife and kids that he doesnt have a great relationship with. Has a few friends that he goes out and drinks with every once in a while, drives a 4 door sedan, masterbates more than he has sex.

  9. I’m no gangsta’, I’m an average man, but be damned if I let ’em do me savage man…

  10. You could’ve saved us all time by simply Googling this question.
    Average __ for men

    Copy paste it into Google. Replace the under scores with whatever you want to know.

    This isn’t askeomen, where they can just make believe whatever they want into existence.

  11. Went to college, earns a good wage, has it together and women want nothing to do with him.

  12. A average man is someone who lives a relatively ordinary life and makes no particular efforts to achieve greatness. He may be satisfied with where he is in life but also feels a bit of apathy, barely pushing himself to reach above and beyond. He’s likely averse to taking risks, is comfortable with his current lifestyle, and may not be driven to do more with his life because he’s content to stay in his comfort zone.

    Personality traits include passivity, contentment, and caution. His biggest downfall is a lack of ambition and a tendency to settle. He isn’t necessarily unsuccessful, but he is lacking in drive and determination. He may harbor a deep dissatisfaction with his current level of accomplishment, but is too complacent to break free from his mediocrity.


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