Hello, I’m a 30 year old male that is looking to date an older woman. I am in a good job long term and the age gap I am looking to date is between 28-37. I take my appearance seriously, laid back personality, big sports fan and of course I like to be physically active. Would be that be enough to date a woman with those similar interests?

  1. That’s an “it depends.” You should probably be in the same phase of life as they are. If you want kids, and they are done, it ain’t gonna work.

  2. FYI if you’re 30. Then 28-37 does not qualify as an “older woman”. Thats a perfectly normal age bracket for you to date.

  3. I don’t mind if a woman parties and has fun which she should of course, same with me but just under control and smart about it if that makes sense. I hope I do find an older woman I live in Dallas so there’s plenty of options down here

  4. As a 37f I’m in to younger guys. For some reason I don’t find older guys on dating apps attractive

  5. Nothing wrong with that. Besides appearance though, do you know what you’re looking for in a partner, moral, values, characteristics, traits etc.? This will help you to screen the women to date to know whether they align with what you want.

  6. OP, do you genuinely know why you are looking for women older than you? And yes most likely, you have got to want marriage and kids in a recent near future or at least not be afraid to discuss that topic or be open to that idea.

  7. I would date a younger man as long as he is mature when he talks, his actions and demeanour. I’ve only matched with a couple of them the apps, but they’ve kind of made me doubt ever giving any younger guys a chance.

  8. I’m 48 and have been flirting with a 37 year old guy for awhile. Would love to date him. I have been apprehensive about the age gap, but he never asked my age and most people think I’m younger than I am.

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