I was having an argument with my husband and he basically told me that i should get a job and stop being a moocher of his income. I haven’t worked in 5 years, we have a 5 yearl old son and i have a 12 year old son from previous relationship, my 5 year old started preschool last year on sep. I do lost of the house work, bur have been ” lacking ” on some things. I feel like any other job, you dont want to do it everyday with cero vacation of it, i fell most of us can relate the doing the dishes half the day and at night you are tired of them. My husband does help out occasionally, i dont do his laundry anymore but thats because hes cheating and basically disconnected form our marriage. I don’t fell motivated to do much around the house, just the common areas and the kids, its degrading that he thinks of me as a leach just for money, when i buy food, clothes, house items. My shopping basically is costco and Walmart… i honestly dont know how to go about feeling better about it…

  1. If he’s cheating he probably wants out of the relationship. He probably wants you to get a job so you can start making your way out. Sounds like you’d be better off without this miserable relationship.

  2. You had me in the first half not gonna lie.jpg

    Okay that’s alot to unpack. I do suggest getting a job and moving out of that horrible situation. Why are you staying with someone who is cheating on you and disconnected from your marriage? If the answer is for a roof over your head then honestly he is right. Take you kid and go build a happy life without this asshat and get child support while you are at it!

  3. If he’s cheating on you and you’re staying with him it makes sense that he thinks you’re mooching off of him. If you’re staying with him because of kids- don’t. That can be more damaging than divorce. It’ll teach the wrong idea of love.

  4. You should get a divorce due to the cheating. On the moocher part if you ain’t doing your part you are one on the low.

    Honestly if he divorced you he’ll get custody of the kids since u have no income, and then he can just give u a timeline to get out of the apt/house

  5. Just off the basics here. I mean if your kids are in school and you’re not taking care of everything around the house then I can see his point. Now you say he’s cheating, and coupled with him calling you names. I’d say he’s done in the relationship and he’s trying to get you out. I would man up get a job and leave the loser. I know work sucks but you’re an adult and it’s time you grab life by the pantalones and get to it. I just read the rest of you posts and yep I would say it’s time to peace out. This body has no pulse. He’s done.

  6. Go get a job and stop being at home. Find your life and leave this cheater. You gain nothing being home. I doubt your house is that filthy that you can’t work.

  7. You sound ridiculously lazy IMO. You have school aged kids, you don’t work and you’re bitching about dishes and laundry. I’m a man, run a small business. Make breakfast for the kids, coach multiple youth sports teams, make dinner most nights. My wife works a full time job. Travels a fair amount for work. Does all the laundry and splits meal prep for the kids. We both work our ass off because we’re a team and there’s a lot of shit to do. You don’t make money, but you still can’t be bothered to run the household. JFC. It’s a miracle he’s cheating.

  8. He’s cheating and is this rude? He needs to smooch your butt goodbye as you leave him. Definitely not a healthy situation, I hope you have a support system. You deserve better.

  9. Sounds like you are not happy and might even be depressed. If he’s cheating then why do you stay with him? Your children are old enough to be in school all day, maybe you’d be happier to get out of the house and work, make new friends and start a new life for yourself and kids where they can see you happy.

  10. What’s your reason for not having a job if both kids are in school?

    Being the breadwinner can be exhausting for some people. Start contributing financially.

  11. I looked at your history and it appears that this relationship has been over for years

    Lots of single moms work full time and take care of their family I did it when my daughter was a baby

  12. He’s cheating. You’re unhappy.

    Why on earth are you still in this situation?

  13. [https://foreverymom.com/mom-gold/hey-dads-heres-why-you-cant-afford-a-stay-at-home-mom/](https://foreverymom.com/mom-gold/hey-dads-heres-why-you-cant-afford-a-stay-at-home-mom/)

    Something for you to realise what you are TRULY worth.

    You are so much better then this, you deserve more then this. you should demand more then what he is giving you, both of you are miserable in this relationship and are no longer fulfilled by it. So now you need to stop throwing yourself a pity party and start deciding to take action and change something in your life, because as is, you kids see both of you and they KNOW things are not right and you are not happy.

  14. This is exactly why people recommend women to have jobs regardless. Many women are stuck in unhappy or unsafe situations because they can’t afford to leave. Find a job, even a minimum wage one if you have to and leave.

  15. If you want to feel better you need to take back control of your life.

    Starting today, put aside at least one hour a day to work on your CV, finding job contacts, getting back into the workforce. Also start thinking about lawyers for divorcing him.

    He doesnt get to define who you are, hes a cheating asshole.

  16. He wants you to have your own job so he can divorce you without paying more alimony & feel guilty that you have nothing.

  17. He’s cheating? Umm I’d already have said bye and gotten a job. Honestly in todays wheel’s everyone has to work.

  18. He’s very inconsiderate. If he didn’t want you to be a housewife, he should have made it clear in the beginning.

    Since your kid is starting school, you should think about doing something about your financial situation because your marriage is probably going downhill.

  19. Your kids are old enough that you don’t need to be home all day. Is there a reason why you’re still not working? Why are you so casual about him cheating? You need to get a job ASAP and get on with your life. This is so toxic and I don’t know why you think it’s ok for him to cheat.

  20. Tell him you are happy to go back to work full time, but he gets to take on half of your responsibilities.

    Also why are you with him if hes cheating and an asshole? Sounds like he wants to push you out but doesnt want to give up free daycare.

  21. Your youngest is in preschool. I assume half day (mine is the same age)? Does he do summer too? Start looking for work now. You’re going to need work experience, even part time, when you leave this pos jerk. You don’t sound happy.

  22. So you’re staying with your cheating husband so you don’t have to work?

  23. The way you mentioned him cheating so casually Lmaoo..You have to Love yourself. If not for you but for your kids. Find a job and move out

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