My girlfriend is a switch with a strong sub lean. I (M) am a switch with a strong dom lean. We were discussing having sex for the first time, and our plans for the most part are quite vanilla, but she mentioned how she’d like to be on top for the first few minutes and lightly choke me while grinding on me.

I told her I’m cool with that, and I am! But, I wanna do something hot while I’m on the ground, on my back, while she’s sitting/grinding on me, lightly choking me.

Any ideas of things I could do/try? Something to add to the mood? Maybe it’s something you enjoy doing with your partner or just something you’ve seen in porn, but I’d like some ideas regardless! 🙂


  1. Be vocal! Moan, beg, whatever. Its both incredibly attractive and reassuring 🙂 being vocal let’s ur partner know that you feel good when they feel good

  2. When she’s choking you, grab her wrists (firmly but not tightly,) maintain eye contact, and press her hands tighter on your throat. Fun there, you have some options depending on if you want to go more Dom or sub.

    To be more dominant, keep the eye contact, tighten your grip and thrust back into her to take control of the rhythm.

    To be submissive, let her control the rhythm and when it’s feeling good, let your eyes roll back or flutter closed and loose your grip or move your hands to her forearms and grip tight, whatever feels natural for that moment of “surrender”

    Most importantly, have fun

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