I’ve got to say Monsieur Gustave and his protégé Zero Moustafa from The Grand Budapest Hotel convey a positive role model for men. He has his issues dont get me wrong, but thats what make him better than characters written perfectly without fault. He’s just, caring and well mannered.

  1. Among one of my favorite male role models in film is Aragorn from The Lord of the Rings.

    He is traditionally masculine in the sense of fighting, but shows romance in his singing songs of love in elvish, he shows vulnerability in friendship. He’s not afraid to cry or put others ahead of himself, all while not being a pushover.

  2. There are many fictional role models for men that convey a realistic approach to humans with issues. Some examples include: Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird, Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings, Professor X from the X-Men comics, and Batman from the DC Comics universe. These characters all have different ways of dealing with human issues, but they all share a common goal of helping others and making the world a better place.

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