My boyfriend and I just started dating pretty much, however we’re long distance now, which makes me feel not so good and extremely anxious. While my boyfriend is an absolute sweetheart, I can’t shake off the feeling that this is too good to be true and that I’ll end up hurt in the end.

With that said, I’ve been wanting to break things off with him before he has the chance to break my heart, but at the same time I don’t want to lose a great guy.
Do you guys have any tips to how I can overcome this? Or should I just let him go?

TL;dr: LDR boyfriend, sweet guy, but I want to break up due to anxiety and fear of getting hurt. How can I overcome this?

1 comment
  1. Long distance is tough so the anxious feelings are normal. But why break it off if he’s so great? That seems like more of a problem with u like ur sabotaging something great.

    I’d really suggest therapy.

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