*Do you consider women less dateable because of it?*

I’m starting to have some of it and I’m not planning to dye it any time soon; I actually dig it. I know that for the most part, women love men with grey hair, but wanted to know what guys think of it.

Edit: I think the issue is having natural grey hair and not styling it. Grey hair has different texture and if you don’t tame it, it can make you look unkept. I look younger than my age so grey hair will, if anything, make me look my age.

  1. I think salt and pepper hair in particular imparts elegance and grace. And the other way, where grey comes in primarily in a specific place (e.g. like a lock in the front, idk think bride of frankenstein) I tend to think is very striking.

  2. I don’t like it esthetically, but at the same time if a woman doesn’t want to hide it and doesn’t make a bit thing out of it I see that as a positive trait. So it’s neutral, but helps you stand out and make me stop and think.

  3. I personally think grey hair is cool. I’m a guy and I am hoping when I’m older to go full Doc Brown.

  4. It happens to all of us unless you go bald .i love a person for who they are .and it’s their preference if they want to dye it .I would not love them any more or less

  5. Fuck yes! As someone with alot of silver streaks (naturally), i find it super attractive on others. May be cliche or a myth but greys show your souls age and I love that

  6. Generally demeanour is way more important than hair colour for me, but having said that grey hair can look very sexy.

  7. As I just turned 53, I don’t mind grey hair on women. It’s more how they take care of it that matters to me. As well as weight, at this age, a little overweight, can still be very sexy. We all chance as we grow older

  8. For me, hair color has no impact on how attractive I think a woman is. I’m 28 so I haven’t come across anyone in my dating pool with grey hair but I have seen very beautiful women with it

  9. Literally don’t care what colour your hair is!

    It’s the make up/hair industry’s selling you a bunch on expensive bullshit you don’t need, men want someone who cares about them and all we need is someone who makes us smile by smiling back at us.✌️

  10. Definitely not less dateable. I would prefer that a woman shows her grey hair. To me that means they are confident about who they are and love who they are. And it doesn’t mean all woman that dye their greys are less confident.

  11. In general do men consider women with grey hair less debatable? Like everything it varies from man to man and person to person, but, in general, yes. Like a lot of attributes. I’m shorter than average so I would be considered “less dateable” than a man who is 6’2. Just how it is. Good thing for you though is that hair dye is a thing. If you choose to rock your grey hair then it might actually attract more mature men which could be a plus, depending on what you’re looking for.

  12. My sister is in her 30s and has a lot of grey hair and she looks hot with it ! She gets so many complements.

  13. the only thing that makes woman less dateable in my eyes is being standofish with people among constantly on ones phone

    if anything grey white or coloured hair can make a lady look cute or show off there excentric side

  14. I love it. I prefer natural over anything painted up or covered over.

    I married a woman who had grey hair at age 33. (Divorced now, but not about the hair).

    And I am not so sure that grey hair has the different texture. White hair does for sure. But color does not change that. It makes it look like a bad cover up.

    Have you seen that guy with the bad comb over for his bald spot? The white hair woman with the recently colored black hair looks just about the same to me. Just be natural.

    Edit for spelling.

  15. I don’t mind it, always down for some good ol wisdom.

    but I think a lot of the women I date make sure they don’t have them 🤭

    Embrace that shit!

  16. Give me that salt ‘n peppah Daddy or silver fox *any* day.

    Men seen to feel the same way, however, about women. They’re just not as vocal about it, y’all should be.

  17. I’m 51, I almost expect it. You do you. If grey is a deal breaker with a guy you are better off

  18. I’m a female who has let my hair go natural and I get so many compliments on it.. many think I actually color it to look the way it does

  19. I think it’s really hot. A friend of mine is 30 with naturally grey hair and she rocks it

  20. I’ve definitely found it attractive more often than not. I’ve only dated a couple of women who had naturally gray hair (grayed early), not quite old enough for it to be incredibly common yet, though I do tend to be more attracted to older women.

    I tend to prefer a natural look in general though. Not to say I’m opposed to makeup altogether; everyone should feel inclined to do what makes them happy.

  21. Everyone has it. Doesn’t make one unattractive typically. And if someone does find it unattractive on you, fuck ’em.

  22. Let it go gray. I’ve got a couple women in my social circle that have done this and nowadays they stand out – in a good way! I don’t get the trend for women to die their hair to the grave.

  23. I’m going to be very honest. A beautiful woman with grey hair makes me think she’s given up on her beauty. I’m not talking about old women or matronly women in which grey seems fitting and distinguished. A large part of a woman’s beauty is her hair. Grey means old. Grey means dead. Grey means you stopped caring.

    I know this may not be inclusive opinion but I want you to know how many if not most men will secretly feel about grey hair on a woman. I have female friends with grey hair and it doesn’t change my relationship one bit. If I were single, I would probably date a woman with grey hair.

  24. There’s nothing wrong with grey hair. I think ladies that have some grey are very dignified and lovely in appearance. I always said that when they came I wouldn’t dye it. I know a couple of guys that do and I think it looks ridiculous. Just like it does for you, the grey helps me look my age. At least for me it came very evenly, starting on the sides. My beard was a different story so I went bare-faced for a while. So go for it, embrace your silver strands and rock it!

  25. I think it’s kind of sexy. It’s all how you pull it off. If you look good to begin with, it can be hot.

  26. To me, women with grey hair exudes life experience, and daring to be themselves, and project themselves, without too many filters. I love women with grey hair

  27. I’m 49 and I have a little grey hair, plus my hair is thinning. Do you think I care about grey hair on a woman? I care more about what kind of woman she is, and how she fits into my life and career goals.

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