Hi all, looking for advice on repairing after an argument and how that looks for you/what is healthy. My dilemma is that after my boyfriend 35m and I 35f argue, he goes completely silently and will basically not speak to me or acknowledge my presence until I “break the ice” and try to repair the relationship after the argument. We live together, and in the past these silent periods have gone up to a couple of days until I could no longer take it and finally said something. I decided that I no longer want to feel like things getting better always fall on me being the one to succumb to the silence and after the last argument we had we haven’t spoken to each other in 5 days. The tension is so thick in our apartment and I’m unsure where to go from here. I feel like there is an imbalance of power between us and that him not caring to speak to me in days tells me that he doesn’t care about the state of our relationship. Any advice here?

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