I don’t have a single friend and I am at age of 29.
I don’t talk with my family too.
I don’t even know what to talk or do with another human, but always desire to have them around.
I like to desire to be in room of another humans, where everybody gossiping, dancing, joking. Though again I don’t know what I will be doing in that room.

  1. I feel I’m in the same boat as you. Something that I do is first calm down and relax before I interact with somebody. Sometimes it’ll feel like a big thing but in reality it’s not. Go with ZERO expectations when going into a situation because sometimes people are random and you won’t predict the outcome of something.

  2. Try to socialize more. I mean, the title alone kinda gives me a little red flag. What do you mean “humans?” You’re a human, I’m a human (30% at least), we’re all human (except maybe Mark Zuckerberg).

    We, humans, call other humans “people”.

    What to do with them? Poke them eyes, thighs, idk.

    Kidding aside, try to socialize more. Then talk to someone who shares the same interest as you do. Do not force connection. Or just be in the room and enjoy them dancing, laughing, playing, singing, or whatever they do. And if someone comes and started talking to you, just act normal. Like a normal person would do.

  3. just try to get with someone with a same hobby as yours, it’s a good conversation starter

  4. Just enjoy yourself and the company, ask stuff or talk about general topics if you don’t know what to say

  5. The biggest challenge about being anti social is accepting that you’re just like everyone else. You may not look the same, or have the exact same personality or lifestyle, but all of us are insecure, lonely at times and trying to figure it out. So you can connect with anyone on that basis.

    Look beneath the surface. Do not be afraid of the unexpected.

    Find common ground, be patient, be yourself, and take interest in the joys of life. Learn a hobby, go to public places, or get a pet. People will be drawn to you for your efforts. 🖤

  6. Try to find ppl with interests similar to yours, ppl you are confortable around. Sometimes just a small talk or a conpliment is enougth to start socializing more. Make friends and gain confidence is always hard, you just need to train yourself to be more social

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