Hello, I’ve been with my bf for a year now and about a months ago, he got drunk and told me he had a surprise for me and the surprise was that he was going to prose to me during the holidays. I was in shock and didn’t get a chance to ask him any questions. A few days later, I asked him in he remembered having a conversation with me and he said he didn’t.


He still hasn’t and I’m a little disappointed. I jokingly asked him today if I was going to get a real ring for my upcoming birthday and he said no he wasn’t ready but I couldn’t tell if he was serious or not.

I don’t know if he changed his mind or he was embarrassed that he told me or maybe he feels like he ruined the surprise for me. I’m not sure.

We’re celebrating my birthday and his in 2 weeks with both our families together and I’m hoping he might propose then!

  1. Don’t ever take a drunk persons word as fact. Plus, it’s only been a year, slow your roll. He’ll propose when HE is ready, not when you want him too.

  2. There’s a mercury retrograde happening right now and it’s throwing everyone off…just be patient…he will probably ask you to marry him but not right now

  3. Y’all only together for a *year* and wanna get married? The honeymood period has barely worn off, slow down. He clearly isn’t chomping at the bit

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