I’ve been in a relationship for about 7 years with an alcoholic but super attractive 6’8 guy that I love. And it’s not progressing. And we fight all the time but only with drinking alcohol. When we got together we wanted the same things to have a nice life, have a family etc. But he has a past of using drugs and has cheated on me one time I found out about. I want to have kids and this keeps dragging on. I’m not stupid, but I’ve never been so invested in someone and just thought I’f he had a nice good woman by his side he would get his shit together. I can’t waste anymore time I’m just stuck.

  1. You’re not stuck. You can leave him at anytime and you should. Too many people make the mistake of thinking because they’ve invested a lot of time into a relationship they have to stay with that person. False! That’s all the more reason to leave them! You’ve already wasted 7 years with this man, are you really going to waste another 7 with him? Also, think of the kids you want to have. Do you really think a man who has a history of alcohol abuse, drug usage, and cheating would make a good father figure to them? No, of course not. In other words, you can’t have the future you want with this man since he’s not the man to have that future with. He’s only going to continue to hurt you and if you bring kids into this mess he’ll hurt them too.

  2. I think you need to move on! You can definitely do better and find someone who you will get along with better and who will make a better father to your future kids!

  3. I’m sorry to break it to you, but the point of an investment is to get a payout in the end. You haven’t invested, you’ve wasted your time.

  4. It’s a tricky situation, I’m sure you’ll get a reply from people who know how difficult it is to break up with someone you actually love. So i can’t give you an advice because i don’t know what would i do in your situation. But i personally would never wanted to live with someone who is a drinker, it can go bad or it can go very bad. But you don’t listen to me, i don’t know shit, i’ve never been in a long-term relationship myself. Just thoughts.

  5. Sounds like you’re asking this sub’s permission to break up with him. You don’t need it.

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