So I’m curious, when talking to a girl or getting to know her do you guys prefer her to message you first to make it known she’s into you or you prefer to message her?
I need advice and opinions on that.

  1. If I like her, I love to know that she’ll make an effort to be with me. If I don’t like her, I hate to let her down. Shoot your shot dog, and if you’re let down, move on to the next beautiful man 🙂

  2. They do. It’s 21st century ffs. Not all of them but most is happy about it. What’s not to like when it’s not you that can be ignored/rejected/ghosted?

  3. Yes, I don’t like making the first move. I was raised to think it isn’t respectful and to let the woman make the first move

  4. Most guys would be happy. You’d be hard pressed to find someone annoyed by it. In that case, you can filter them out.

  5. I highly prefer it, makes my day. I worry if I message the girl first all the time I will come off as needy.

  6. Yes, someone I met on here 2 years ago texts me pretty often and starts the conversation first. I always tell her you beat me to it because the moment I think about her a text message pops up.

  7. I don’t mind initiating but if she is really interested she will also text first. Am talking from experience…Do not mind those saying she is a bad texter or whatever… If she doesn’t text first she is not interested

  8. It would be nice change it is 2023 so i do more females would text first i also think more females make first move in public i was in the store i walked by these two ladies i heard say cute smells good i looked back and smiled they just stood smiling too i got too next isle and there were too all 3 if us smiling i finally made first move and exchanged numbers

  9. It’s much better when you get a message from a girl you like, making it clear she’s interested. Saves a lot of wasted time.

  10. No, I hate it. I like it if I’m the one doing all the initiating, planning, work and making the effort. I especially hate it when she makes it clear that she’s into me. That’s really annoying, and her doing nice things for me. Fucken yuck. This sub gets some fucked in the head questions but this may be the dumbest I’ve ever seen.

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