I was raised in a house where it was considered disrespectful to talk back to both your parents even if you’re defending yourself or trying to explain a situation. My dad criticizes me all the time, the reason I haven’t left home is because the deal I made with my dad when I was 21 was that if I quit my job, he’ll help pay for my school. (I’m 23 now) However he’s dr jekyll and mr hyde. We fight anytime we have a disagreement and it becomes a my way or highway situation. My dad has flat out denied scientific evidence just because he can’t admit that he’s wrong. For him 1+1 will always equal three and I’m not allowed to correct him because from what he’s told me “I don’t know anything”. He’s very dismissive of my intelligence and I’m over it.

  1. If I raised my voice it was probably the end of the argument and I walked away in defeat.

    My parent subscribes to the philosophy that “Parents are always right”.

  2. The only time i remember yelling at my parents was they were arguing over something, and it got heated. They were both shouting. I was 16 or 17 and trying to do or watch something and it was stressing me out. I ended marching out of my room and yelling at both of them to STFU or go outside, i think i also called them and their argument stupid. Both were so taken aback they stopped yelling. The argument continued, although quieter, further from my bedroom.

  3. The older I got, the braver I got. Eventually we put Boxing gloves on and i got my ass handed to me. . . Then one day I finally out boxed him and i dont think we have ever argued since in 20+ years

  4. I dont remember what it was about but I got a grown man fist to the jaw for that one.

  5. I don’t want to be a pessimist but I’ve got the same problem and the only outcome is that you lose. You can either start the debate and fight a lot, or you just let it have it his way. I chose to debate and it just sickened the relationship with both my parents. I am a very rational person but my parents are absolutely not, the thing is that because I am their child they don’t like the idea of me having a better idea than them. But even if you’re right you lose, because they are your parents and they have all the power. If I could chose again I would chose to have it their way, because you may lose you the argument, but you can hold on to you’re parents!

  6. yeah, it sucks when you realize that your dad is an idiot. The last time I fought with my dad was around 20 years ago when I was also only around 20. From then on we just don’t talk anymore. I make an effort to not listen to anything he says. No fighting that way.

  7. I’m 35, I haven’t yelled or raised my voice at him for 15 years. I’ve got too much respect for him.

  8. Biblically everyone wants to quickly quote the Bible says honor your mother and father that your days may be longer but they forget it also says fathers do not tempt your children to anger.

  9. I did after he got pissed at me for missing the bus, because i had to take a crap, led to me getting shoved towards my room, falling not being able to get up, getting picked up and thrown towards it again, getting whooped on the hardwood, head hitting the ground every hit

  10. Quite often as a kid/teen. That’s what occasionally happens when you live in a house together and somehow we were pretty good at getting on eachother’s nerves.

    Never happened again after I moved out (I guess I also became more mature at the same time)

  11. No idea. I just told him he wasn’t who I wanted in my life and then he died 8 years later. So I guess pretty good?

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