So my friend set me up on a blind date. It went well. The next day I asked her out again. She accepted and seemed to be interested in it as we had a little funny conversation about what we had planned. I sent her the location and I asked if it was okay for her. She didn’t respond for a day. She responded the next day. She apologized for not getting back to me sooner as she was busy ( I assumed as much because from what my friend told me as well as what she said she can be very busy at times). She also said that she had contracted Covid and wasn’t sure when it would clear up but she would let me know. I told her it was all good just let me know like a day before the date how your feeling and if still unwell then we can reschedule. She liked the message and that was that. It seems legit to me because she didn’t cancel but on the other hand usually a cancelation means it’s not looking good. I tend to overthink every situation I’m in so I’m taking to here to see what a level headed person would think.

Edit: this is 4 days before the date is supposed to happen

1 comment
  1. Keep your cool, try not to think about it. It’s just date 2 with a girl you don’t really know. Maintain text communication in the interim. Don’t lose that connection.

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