After having absolutely no luck with dating apps and meeting women in bars/clubs, I started looking around for classes near me and found a dance class.

However I am having a problem where all the girls are all friends, sit together in a big group before the class starts, and then they all leave together after the class. I’m struggling to get an opportunity to talk to anyone individually, and I feel like if I ask one of them out and get rejected, I won’t be able to ask another one out because they will all know and think that i’m just going through the group trying every one.

Is this dance class not going to work or am I just doing it wrong. Could use some advice thanks.

  1. You should try to get to know them as a group first in this case. You definitely should only ask one person in the group out. Try to get to know them all before deciding which you should ask out.

  2. Are you taking the dance class because you actually want to learn the dance being taught or just to meet women?

  3. Get to know them without the expectation of dating any of them. Try to enjoy the dancing aspect since it is, after all, a dance class not a singles group.
    If you don’t have expectations of dating any of them and you end up finding a connection there then bonus. Don’t appear desperate to find a gf. Desperation is universally unattractive for everyone.

  4. Yes you are doing it wrong lol. If you joined the dance club to meet women, they likely know especially if you aren’t interested in whatever dance they’re doing.

    You could start by sitting by their group and introducing yourself to them and asking their name. Getting to know them as a group. If you single all of them out and try to get to know each other one on one, that definitely confirms you’re doing some speed dating in your head.

    Since they’re all a group, unfortunately you can only ask 1 of them out. Which is why you need to actually be a part of their social circle and get to know them before asking anyone out. If you ask 1 of them out, all of them will know lol

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