What are you glad to no longer have in your life?

  1. My ex husband! Though sadly I do still need occasional interaction with him so he can see out youngest son. I don’t interact at all for contact with the older children

  2. My menstrual cycle. Hitting 50 and menopause has been one of the most difficult transitions to go through. However, not dealing with monthly week-long misery is one of aging blessings. I miss my youth, but the wisdom and confidence I now possess is it’s own way is sexy and liberating.

  3. My shell.
    Ever since I came out and came to terms with who I was supposed to be and wanted to be, I’ve been reborn so to speak.

    It’s quite the cliché but I’m so much more extroverted and open and emotionally able.

    Night and day difference.

  4. I’m still working on it, *BUT*, I am slowly, but surely, dismissing all unnecessary people & drama out of my life. The weight of everyone else’s negativity & problematic behavior is too much to carry. I’ve recognized it’s a *me* problem. So, therefore, I’m evolving *me* to be a healthier happier me. Out of sight, out of mind.

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