ITS MOSTLY BACK NOW AND FEELS NICE AND ITS THE COLOUR IT SHOULD BE Hello it’s abit of a weird question but I’m 15 and I pulled my foreskin back but then I realised it wont come back over it’s my first time pulling my foreskin back in like 2 years so I’m worried but I’m too scared to tell my parents bcz it would feel weird and uncomfortable talking about my dick to my parents can anyone offer some help pls? Also I don’t want to go to a doctor either bcz they would tell my parents or need parents consent to look at my penis I live in the uk

  1. Sounds like you have phimosis, there are stretching exercises you can do to help. Do some googling. If you talk to a doctor you can also get a steroid cream that helps with the stretching.

  2. You should be always pulling it back in the shower to thoroughly clean it.

    There are ways to stretch it but I think your best bet is seeing a doctor. I know you may think it’s embarrassing but your health is more important than embarrassment.

  3. Relax.

    Can you try and squeeze the head? At the same time, pull the skin back up and over. If the skin is still stuck, try some water or oil for lubrication. Try to get the head very small and push through the uncomfortable feeling.

  4. Get any kind of lube like vegetable oil, olive oil, coconut oil anything. Dump it all over the head of ur dick and try to slide it back over. It is badvto leave it that way

  5. Hey don’t worry, it happens. But what you’re describing can be serious. It’s nothing embarrassing but you should tell a parent and head to an emergency room :).

  6. Look man, I completely understand what’s happening to you. It may be incredibly awkward telling an adult but from the comments it seem like to may be a medical emergency. Nobody likes talking to their parents about sexual things but in this case you may have to. I’m sure your parents will completely understand and they only want to best for you

  7. Two years? I pull back every time I urinate and also daily in the shower to wash.

    I’d say time for a doctor appointment.

  8. Hey dude, if you can’t get it back over you really might need to go to a doctor or to hospital. Do know it really is nothing to be embarrassed about.

  9. If you haven’t pulled it back in 2 years (or, ever), it’s not uncommon for it to be difficult to pull back over. And the glans is super sensitive if you’ve not been sexually active.

    But if you absolutely can’t get it back over, go see a doctor ASAP. Stuff like this is extremely common around your age – they can assess whether it’s a major problem or just sensitive. And they can help you with stretching exercises if needed.

    They’re medical professionals. They know how this works.

  10. Okay damn. If you feel like the pile of skin behind the tip of your penis is cutting off something… as if something is being squeezed.. YOU NEED to talk to your dad.
    Tell him „hey dad. I think I got phimosis. I tried pulling my foreskin back just to clean everything there, also the insides, but it won’t slip over the tip again.
    You gotta call a doc or bring me to a urologist please cause this might get serious.“

    It depends on if your skin is pull able to be pulled back when your dick is soft or hard.

    If your dick is soft and you pull back and it doesn’t slip back to front. Doctor.

    If your penis is errechnet and it pulls back just with a little difficulty but slips back to the front when it’s soft again.
    No worries.

    Hope that answers your question and you can act accordingly

  11. You’re young so this feels like the biggest and most embarrassing thing in the world. Being a teenager is hard.

    But please listen to us when we say that you need to see a doctor ASAP. Embarrassment can feel like the end of the world, but it’s not. The alternative – aka, not seeing a doctor, the issue worsening, you getting a bad or life threatening infection, you losing a part of your body – those things *can* be the “end of the world”.

    I promise you, your dad wants you to get the medical care you need. Even if it’s awkward and you don’t have the best relationship. Please tell him and your mom and get medical attention. The consequences far outweigh the embarrassment or awkwardness.

  12. Please please talk to your dad and go to a hospital as soon as you can! Trust me, it will feel awkward at first but you’ll look back and be glad you did.

  13. Just fyi
    Doctors do not need your parent’s consent to look at your penis at 15 years of age. You can make an appointment all by yourself and attend all by yourself.
    But unless you get the skin rolled back over tonight you need to go to the hospital wherever you are currently travelling. Where are you travelling right now?

  14. You need to get this treated, right away, and then start pulling your foreskin back to wash it every single day, going forward.

  15. Hey man, it seems like you’re really stubborn on this and very driven by your emotions on what your parents might think but I think that’s really out of the question here. Everybody is very right that this is a super serious issue. Please listen and see a doctor.. There is enough ways to get to a hospital. Germany has taxis and public transfer as well. You don’t want to look back on this when you’ve lost your penis and won’t be able to ever be intimate again, because your older self would’ve told your younger self the same as all of us in the comments are doing. Be safe!!

  16. Honestly as weird as this may sound, it will probably end up being a good bonding experience, go get help man, we all need it at times, take care of yourself buddy

  17. It may be phimosis or paraphimosis. My bf has similar issues and he is happy and healthy. Would definitely see a professional but don’t freak out too much. You’re going to be fine!

  18. Tell your parent your abdomen hurts, really hurts, with a sharp burning pain (maybe RADIATING TO THE GROIN). Get them to take you to the ER where you can talk to a doctor in private. Then tell the doctors or nurses what is actually happening. Don’t take this lightly, several hours of inaction can result in permanent damage, potentially a loss of a portion of your penis. If left untreated at all, it could also cause you to die, literally. Use whatever excuse (aside from harming yourself) to get into the ER.

  19. This happened to me when I was your age. If you pull back and begin to stretch it daily in about three months it will stretch out fully.

  20. no worries bro, in the future though you should be pulling your foreskin back damn near every day, when you piss, shower, wack off, etc.

  21. Tell your parents. Yes it’ll be awkward but you need help and that’s their job. Or get to a doctor as soon as possible. I have a 14 year old son. I’d be upset if he needed my help and was too embarrassed to tell me (or his dad).

  22. I love that OP has thrown rebuttal to all advice given…..all solid advice.
    I can’t help but feel dude is just trolling.
    In the event he isn’t…..well, continue the current path and enjoy your gangrene goober.

  23. At 15 years old you should be okay to go to the doctors on your own or atleast a sexual health clinic. I went when i was 13/14ish and i had tests and stuff and they never said anything to my parents x

  24. Dude your dick must smell like horrible cheese, how the fuck do you wash without pulling the skin back? I suggest you seek professional help and have someone teach you how to wash your dick. I’m going to go throw up now.

  25. You can always tell you dad your dick has an issue and you need to go to the doctor right now. He probably doesn’t need to see anything

  26. In the shower, warm water, pull back gently without forcing it. Outside of shower, use a lubricant or Vaseline and smother it, pull back gently but don’t force it.
    Keep doing this every day. Your foreskin will eventually loosen up and allow you to pull all the way back without issue.
    Its also normal for the head to be super sensitive.
    Make sure you clean it when pulling back and allow soap and water to get in there. Make sure you rinse it all out too. Do this to avoid possible infections and other gross stuff to accumulate.
    You aren’t the only one. Having foreskin is tricky sometimes.

  27. This actually happenned to me when I was 10 and I spent 24 hours like that… It ended up swelling and I tried tirelessly to put it back with no luck. Ended up going to the emergency room and they admitted me immediately so it was serious! The doctors had me under general anasthesia (ketamine) and were able to put it back. They said I was lucky they didn’t need to circumcise me.

    That being said, GO TO THE FKING HOSPITAL NOW

  28. Uhhh, you should be pulling your foreskin back every time you shower to clean and also when urinating.

    Seek medical advice now!!!

  29. I’m curious as to why you decided to do it now in vacation after two years. Best of luck! I think it was too dry and that’s why it got stucked, but as others have said you should do it while showering to clean

  30. Have you ever been able to pull it back? I grew up never being able to pull it back and it required a trip to the doctor

    You’ll either be given stretching therapy, or it’ll need surgical correction, the urologist should be able to give you more info

  31. you need to pull it back regularly especially to clean it. If you wait a long time then it will be uncomfortable and may get “stuck” in weird positions, be gentle, go in the shower if not too sensitive or use some lube to rub around and get it back into its normal position. I’ve been there in my early days of discovering it pulls back.

  32. So this can happen if you don’t manage to clean it properly. You can get such a build up under the foreskin that it’s very painful to them try and roll it back. Try moving it under the shower and see how that feels. But really you need to book a GP appointment.

  33. Sorry but it’s not an emergency mate. People that don’t know or haven’t experienced this should use more measured language when replying to sensitive subjects. I pulled mine back deliberately on advice from a friend as I kept tearing during sex. I had exact same thing happen where it won’t go back. You don’t need it to go back. If you’re comfortable with it, it’s fine. It was the best thing I ever did. Ask if you need any more info.

  34. First thing, **don’t panic**. No matter what, your dick will be okay.

    I’m assuming that your penis is fully relaxed. If it’s not and you can’t get it to go down the simple solution is to wank to orgasm and then it will. After it’s gone down, you can clean up and begin to tug it forward over your glans again. Yes, I did say tug.

    First begin by rolling what you can of your foreskin forward over the glans. What you will find is that the middle of your foreskin will roll forward over the glans but the opening of your foreskin. Which you normally pee through, is still trapped behind your corona ridge. This is where you need to be a bit rough.

    Hook your forefinger pad tips *inside* your partially unrolled foreskin, next to your glans. Grip your foreskin between the tips of your forefingers by placing the pads of your thumbs on the *outside * of your foreskin and then slowly try to pull your tucked under part of your foreskin back past your ridge by pressing your finger tips against your thumbs through your foreskin while drawing your fingertips towards the tip of your glans. You will have to make multiple attempts before you eventually succeed.

    If it is still too difficult, fully retract your foreskin and spread a little lubricant around the whole of the ridge of your glans. I used an inert antiseptic cream (Savlon) but any cream or ointment that isn’t caustic will do. You shouldn’t use so much that when you try to roll your foreskin forward as above, that it gets on your fingertips.

    I’ll bet you will get there eventually with enough determination and the relief will be immense.

    I was in your position about 50 years ago!

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