Blood leaked through my pants today and my day was already horrible so this adding on to it made me cry in 7th period. I told 2 of my friends what happened and one of them just said “woah” and left and another started talking about their own issues WHILE I was crying. I cried because I knew my mom would yell at me for it, even though it’s not like I could control it. I went to tutorials for a favorite teacher after school just to hang out in her room with friends, and I was being a bit too harsh and she ended up kicking me out. How can I apologize? I know taking my anger out on others isn’t okay as well.

  1. Just say, *sorry for acting up yesterday, I was just having a bad day and I won’t do x, y, z again*

  2. I think saying what you just said to us would be a good start. Telling how you feel and why you acted the way you did and how you are sorry. Honesty goes really far.

  3. some people only care about themselves… even if you’re literally falling apart in front of them lmao

    apologizing always gives me anxiety, but you’ll feel better in the end:) unless they don’t accept the apology, then all i see is red

    i would just explain you were having a bad day, and you realized you accidentally took your anger out on someone.. happens to the best of us

  4. Give yourself a couple days to get over your PMS, and then tell this teacher that you’re sorry how you behaved and you were having a really bad day.

  5. Words aren’t that hard just say sorry. Sorry you had to go through that it must have been hard.

  6. Just tell her that you were feeling upset because of something that happened earlier in the day and you’re sorry you spoke to her like that. Don’t worry, the fact that you care enough to apologize will mean a lot to her.

    You had a very bad day and are aware enough to realize that it’s not an excuse to be rude- I have a feeling your teacher knows you’re a good kid and will be ready to cut you some slack.

  7. I’m sorry you also have a mom who will yell at you for a natural accident. That can’t help either with your low mood to have that kind of pressure looming over you! If you were my kiddo I’d have picked you up from school, got you cleaned up and eat ice cream together and watch Gilmore Girls!!

  8. What the other comments said. Just say you know what you did the other day was bad, that she’s your favourite teacher and you’re sorry for acting up.

    Also, just a reminder it’s okay to write a note and give her the note too. The important part is to tell her, but a note is just as powerful as words.

    Good luck OP.

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