What was the last rabbit hole you went down and what did you find?

  1. I just discovered that while same sex marriage is legal in the UK, if someone with a title marries someone of the same gender, the person they marry doesn’t get a title of their own. They would in a heterosexual marriage. There’s also a whole lot of red tape around ancestral homes and things that aren’t covered under regular inheritance rights, apparently.

  2. I just watched The Girl From Plainville on HULU, at least what’s been released so far, and did a deep dive on the Michelle Carter case to get the true story. I knew the basics from when it first happened, but I did not know many of the details like the Glee obsession. Super interesting!

  3. My new co-worker keeps putting up these obscure flags and military insignia all over his workspace and I was curious about what it stood for, because it wasn’t something I recognized. I didn’t ask him directly because I overthought it and was like “what if it’s something bad/weird… maybe I’ll google it first” haha. After looking at dozens or maybe hundreds of flags I found it and learned there’s apparently a movement online to restore independence to Manchuria in China. It seems pretty niche, couldn’t find a ton of information about present day interest in the topic, but he’s *really* into it based on how he’s decorated his space. There are like 6 or 8 flags at this point.

    Not the most fascinating rabbit hole but it was kinda fun to have it be caused by something I encountered irl.

  4. I bit the bullet and FINALLY read Harry Potter.

    Now I have a year pass to Universal Studios so I can visit Hogwarts anytime, and I’ve been studying the different philosophies and theories of Harry Potter, including possible reasons for plotholes.

  5. I was looking up askreddit top posts and discovered a thread of women asking men questions and I just realized as much as they don’t understand women apparently women don’t understand them. At least to that thread. It was eye opening for me

  6. I read the graphic novel Killing Stalking until 4 in the morning and couldn’t sleep after.

  7. I went down a wikipedia rabbit hole after i finally watched the show Watchmen. It started with me looking up Ozymandias and spiraled into me reading about how the ancient Egyptians used to mummify stillborn babies. It was a wild ride, but fascinating too!

  8. I got to go to another location for my job (local) and was snoopy. Not only does everyone hate their jobs, the guy in charge of them has a park ranger degree, and this was his first job. His dad offered his mass amounts of land to the owner for the job. The boss of that location, cheated on his wife with an employee who he’s now married to. My old boss also cheated on his wife. Owner is a father of a newborn at 70years old with his wife less than half his age. Just some work tea. Everyone in a higher position is friends with the owner or his wife, or their parents are.

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