Girls with big/aquiline noses how do you cope with people who don’t shut up about them?

  1. I have a roman/aquiline nose and if anyone brings it up, I usually just say “yes, it was a gift from my grandfather” and laugh it off. There are a few people in my life who bring it up more often (my sisters in particular) and I have made that a firm boundary. When it comes up more than once I tell them firmly that I will not hear any more about the subject and if they can’t hold their tongue then they can kindly F off.

  2. I used to hate my nose, but then I realized that it makes me unique. It’s also a nose that has passed down from people that I love dearly. If someone has a problem with my nose, they aren’t worth my time. However, I have learned that it wasn’t as big of a deal as I used to think.

  3. I say “my body is not up for discussion right now” which usually shuts them up. If that doesn’t work and I’m feeling particularly mean I tell them “thanks I showed my plastic surgeon a photo of you and asked them to model my nose after yours” and that usually leaves them speechless

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