What is some random advice for today?

  1. Do I NEED this in my life or do I want instant gratification to feel better momentarily? Could save you some money or a headache.

  2. Don’t be a quiet nerd because it will make you look like a serial killer

    I was watching 40 Year Old Virgin

    The older I get the less I sympathize with the main character and the more I sympathize with his friends

    Being a nerd and a loner to me feels like I was being really immature and over emotional.

    I assumed everyone was a new bully

    I assumed every girl wouldn’t like me

    I assumed when people would laugh with each other it was somehow gonna be against me

    I took every bit of criticism or mockery as life ruining

    My speech and behavior was so controlled and contorted that it was stuff and awkward and disingenuous

    You know I probably gave off the vibe that I was just pretending to have a good time and secretly I thought I was better than them and to a degree I think that’s how I actually thought

    How can you enjoy life, how can you find a place in your community, when you’re trying to act better than everyone else?

  3. Don’t work your whole life away just for the sake of money. Time is the most valuable asset you have, cherish it.

  4. Learn how to do basic maintenance on your vehicle. (Brakes/rotors, oil, lights, transmission fluid, serpentine belt, alternator, spark plugs…etc) With YouTube and basic tools you can save yourself thousands of dollars.

  5. Always check to make sure you have your wallet before you go on a date. Don’t leave it at home in your other coat

  6. Story time!!!! So back in junior year of high school I was sitting on the bleachers in the gym waiting for the last period of the day to end when this girl who I liked sat next to me and started talking. She obviously liked me too so it would’ve been a perfect afternoon except for the fact that I had been holding in a megafart for the past 30 minutes. This wasn’t just any fart, it was an aged four cheese ravioli fart that would make the dirtiest skunk grimace. I had already released one earlier that day and knew the stakes, if I accidentally let it rip I wouldn’t just embarrass myself, no I might’ve murdered the poor girl. The smell alone would have melted her lungs, not to mention the ICBM shockwave it would’ve produced.

    You’re probably thinking it wouldn’t get any worse but it does!!! She then started leaning on me which then progressed to her putting her feet in my lap and rubbing my muscles . Now on top of holding back a chemical weapon, I had to fight myself and not let her feel or see my Louisville Slugger coming up to bat. It was a stressful and borderline agonizing ordeal of listening to her run her mouth about devil worship and witchcraft or some shit mixed in with her asking me random questions like “so how do you feel about hickeys” or “whats the craziest thing you ever did with your ex” and of course the regular “do you believe in ghosts”?

    My immense will power was finally rewarded when the bell rang and she left to go be with her friends but not before she gave me her number and a wink. I made sure she was well out of view before I hobble sprinted( I was still dealing with a locked and loaded Colt Python in my pants mind you) to the nearest bathroom and let out an absolute heatwave of a fart that would put a plasma cutter to shame.

    So the moral of the story is not to panic when faced with a high pressure situation as the reward is usually worth the ordeal, and to not eat three bowls of four cheese ravioli the night before you could potentially have an encounter with the girl in your 8th period class who had been eye fucking you since August.

  7. Don’t listen to fanatics. Doesn’t matter if it’s sports, pc-cancel culture, sports etc. They are all in need of some counselling.

  8. Luke Belmar on youtube, very interesting takes on life, economics and smart guy. Might open you to new ideas

  9. 1. Always have some emergency cash for fuel.

    2. No matter what don’t show your anger in food. There are a million people who don’t even get a bite.

    3. Always be on time and be a man of your word. Of course you can’t keep your word at all times but keeping your word 8/10 times is different from someone who keeps their word 3/10 times.

    4. Don’t ask back the money you spent to buy someone food. It’s a personal belief of mine so idk if it will apply to you.

    5. Learn to say no. I can’t emphasize how much I’ve struggled with this. No matter what you do, you will definitely hurt people’s feelings. It’s better to consider your feelings first unless you’re willingly hurting someone.

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