Why do modern movies suck so hard?

  1. Because the ones that get any significant backing are made by a committee of moneybags and politicians.

  2. maybe has to do with wanting to be ‘diverse’ (diverse as a Netflix show, is already a common saying these days) and visually ‘effective’ instead of simply telling a good story/focusing on dialogue, character-development and narration.

  3. They don’t. Older movies are just filtered through time. Everyone knows Citizen Kane and Casablanca but nobody remembers the thousands of bad movies that came out in the 40s.

    You see everything that comes out in your time for both good and bad and so it seems like the quality is lower because you’re comparing now’s entire catalogue to history’s greatest hits.

  4. Producers either fund it or find the funding, and fewer producers today care about art or creativity. They want a return on the investment. It’s why they, milked Marvel for all it’s worth.

  5. Because they cater to people that enjoy movies that suck, and there are more of them than there are of you

  6. Define: modern. I think to a movie buff that would have a very different meaning than to casual movie goers.

    But basically people always complain about modern stuff. Pick whatever time period you think was best, older people of that time were complaining about it. Just how it is. Music, video games, movies, whatever.

  7. They don’t. Ive watched movies over shows lately and almost all of them have been 2016 or later. And I usually enjoy them.

    Just gotta pick good ones to watch, plenty of them out there.

    Every year has good movies and crappy movies though

  8. The movie star is dead,

    It’s cheaper to pay a good young actor for a Netflix production then to pay a brad Pitt, Tom cruise or DiCaprio.

    And honestly the younger generation 12-20 don’t care about how an actor makes you feel because they normally watch a movie while scrolling Instagram.

    There is a reason all greats are in there 50-70’s

  9. Because they’re more message than movie, the movie “Nobody” was a dumb action flick and it was refreshing to watch

  10. Because they try too hard to be woke at the expense of actually telling a good story.

  11. Because writers these days lack imagination and originality. That’s why there have been so many remakes of popular movies from the past.

    I should also add that writers these days lack creativity.

  12. I believe Matt Damon has commented on the death of the DVD as the reason Dramas and Cerebral movies and good Comedies no longer exist. You don’t build libraries of good movies that are rewatchable anymore. The only thing that sells now is distraction porn.

  13. Why write good if your audience doesn’t care AND will still go pay to see it AND the audience immediately forgives you if you just set up more movies? Marvel hasn’t been great since COVID, with the slight exception of Spider Man No Way Home, and yet people will still pay money to sit through films whose sole purpose is to set up other films.

  14. Lack of imagination, and studio interference. Producers don’t care about ars gratia artis they only want by the numbers films that will make them a better return on their investment.

  15. It’s more about making money than it is telling a story or making art. This is why we have a ton of marvel movies and remakes. The business people know how mediocre the public is and how people will eat it up.

  16. Selection bias; you’re comparing the absolute best movies from decades ago to *every* movie today.

  17. For a lot of reasons that have already been mentioned in this thread. Streaming services and Covid have really hurt Hollywood. Movies aren’t being made because of a creative driver or some sort of creative spark, but rather because producers that are funding movies want the highest return on investment possible. It’s why you don’t see the historical epics anymore – Hollywood has realized that you can make more money by doing a low budget remake of some 1980s nostalgia movie or low budget comedy or drama.

    Movies are also getting a lot of shoehorned social messages built into them that make the film worse and drives people away (people want to be entertained, not preached to).

  18. Question feels like someone’s looking for material to write in their clickbait article.

  19. Everyone is just remaking movies or building from ideas that already exist (sequels/prequels). No one is actually coming up with their own ideas and making something their own.

  20. Because people forget the thousands of trash ones that come out because nostalgia is a drug

  21. A reliance on CGI instead of acting and writing., and pandering to the masses with the same “this shit sells” rehashed plots.

    When profit drives art, art becomes shit.

  22. Alot of modern movies are rebooted stories that have already been done. Not too many original stories anymore and if they are they’re not very impressive.

  23. Because producers and corporations would rather chase money than actually allow art to root. It’s safer to just make a franchise off shit nobody really cared to have a franchise about rather than have a compelling original story. It’s all about the the illusion of “I want it now” pump which also makes cuts in the story just save time.

  24. Writers have no imagination and are just trying to write cash grabs. They think audiences are stupid.

  25. My suspicion is that once the money gets involved, no one wants to take risks so they just copy what’s already been successful. The lack of creativity and originality is a core problem. Occasionally something fresh breaks through, usually either a low budget independent film, or an independently wealthy actor/director falls in love with a project and carries it themselves . At least now if it’s good it can gain traction on social media instead of relying on the Hollywood machine to market it.

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