Title sums it up basically. I’ve known her since we were both 5, and I’ve been wondering if the things she does is because she’s interested in dating or because we’ve been friends for over a decade.

1 comment
  1. I mentioned this elsewhere, however there are multiple types of love someone can experience, but the issue arises in how our culture conflates those different kinds of love as the same thing. Couple that with the fact men have a harder time separating “prospects” from “non-prospects” than women do and you have a recipe for disaster. There are a lot of perfectly suitable friendships ruined because people feel companionative or intimate love with someone and assume they’ve caught feelings.

    If you’re comfortable with it, ask her if there had been a time that she’s felt love for you as more than a friend, and if the answer is “no,” cop up to the fact that you feel really connected to her and were getting curious if there was more to it or if you were just feeling a closeness you’ve yet to experience with anyone else.

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