How do you cope with being pissed with something small and/or petty? And how do you get yourself out of it?

  1. Understand that it’s small and petty and not worth the time or energy you are currently putting into it.
    Find something more positive to do with your time.

  2. I relfect and recognize that it’s not worth my time and energy and refocus elsewhere.

  3. I tell myself that feeling pissed is a normal human emotion and it’s okay, but it’s not okay to take it out on anyone else. I try to think through why the petty thing pissed me off and if I should focus my energy on being pissed off by that. And I might do something to make me feel better.

  4. I check to see if it possibly triggers something that makes one of my “pillars” feel threatened. A lot of the time I will be scared so it comes out as anger, and I feel like I’m at risk to get “hurt” so I will lash out and feel resentful.

  5. I ask myself why I’m so bothered.

    Why did this petty thing trigger so much emotion from me? Am I insecure? Is it related to something that has happened before? Is it worth to give up so much mental space for this little thing?

    I try to see it from other perspective.

    What did this person try to communicate with me? What are they going through? Is this reflection of their own insecurities?

    If it’s something that has nothing to do with other people, like hitting my toe, then I just don’t get mad at all. Shit happens.

  6. I don’t usually *stay* mad. If I get mad about something, I sit on it for a day or two. If it’s still bugging me, it’s usually worth a conversation. If not, then it isn’t.

  7. I usually take a deep breath and let myself be angry or upset about it then I laugh at myself later on for being upset about it.

  8. I have a playlist called “happy songs”, which I put on and listen to, there is a bunch of weird songs but they never fail in making me feel happy (tbh I do this also if it isn’t a small thing).

    It is really hard to be pissed when “the hamsterdance song” is playing on repeat in your headphones 😉

  9. Scream in a pillow to get the frustration out -> realise I’m being ridiculous and that it isn’t worth my time -> get over it.

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