My ex partner ended our relationship very unexpectedly without any warning signs. We never had problems but she would get very emotional sometimes over very small things. I always listened, validated her, and helped her calm down. One time I saw her cry and she told me she was afraid I would leave her. I told her I loved her and wasn’t going anywhere. I thought she struggled with her emotions. She was great at everything else. She told me she loved me and that we were soulmates. She told me she wanted to be with me for a long time. Her family offered me support when she ended our relationship. I talked to a therapist and they said she showed many signs of bpd. When she ended our relationship she told me it bothers her that I treat her right. Her family told me she was very worried she wouldn’t have a good career like mine and that it would harm our relationship. She never had a normal conversation with me about it. I told her I thought it was unfair and that it didn’t make sense. I told her I was shocked because she was always loving.

My heart was broken. Before I met her I accepted I may never meet anyone. Dating was never easy for me. People tell me I am attractive and fun to be around but I always got rejected when I asked women out. It got very depressing and I accepted relationships weren’t for me. I like being myself and I like myself. I don’t pretend to be someone else to get approval or validation. It was hard for me to understand why women didn’t like me. I gave up. When I met my ex partner I talked to her because we were in a place that was always crowded but we were the only two there. She looked at me the way I always wanted a woman to look at me. She talked to me the way I always wanted a woman to talk to me. When I asked her out she said yes. We had the perfect first date and the perfect second date and made perfect moments after that. It feels wrong to go into another relationship again after this one. Love isn’t something I give out easily. I knew she was the one. She told me we were soulmates. It feels wrong to even think about telling another woman I love her.

I don’t see myself with anyone ever again.

  1. Ooh man, I feel ya. Went through stuff like that. I’ll tell you this, in next couple month, you’ll forget about her, everybody had that, “best love of my live and so on”. Eventually, after a while you’ll move on, and successfully forget about her. Best thing that can help you right now just get your self busy, when I had break up, I was just at the gym kicking every day and hanging out with friends. After all Don’t worry, you will find your one, everyone do, meanwhile just work on your self. All the best!

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