What are your plans in 2023?

  1. This is the Year of the Hang Out. Other than that, no real plans than to keep on working and maybe do some nearby adventures.

  2. Get my BJJ blue belt, commission as a USAF officer, become a better Spanish speaker, learn salsa/bachata, and get a few ethical hacking certifications

  3. Gotta keep moving and not put anything on a deadline. Otherwise I’ll stress. The fun part is mostly in the journey. Not so much the destination

  4. Thinking about taking my first international solo trip, but not sure where yet. Maybe London or somewhere in Ireland.

  5. Going above the Arctic Circle for the first time. Heading to Tromsø next tuesday

  6. Keep doing college, occasionally drink with the boys, learn more about my job

  7. 1. Formulate and execute a sinister plan that prevents posters on Reddit from asking the same questions over and over.

    2. The same thing I do every year…..TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!

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