How comfortable are you being naked around your partner all the time?

  1. I’m fine with being naked around my partner. I’m not super comfortable being naked all the time though, it’s just impractical.

  2. Extremely. Once our kids are grown and moved out, I’ll be naked at home all the time 😂

  3. Very comfortable. There’s no part of my body she hasn’t seen and I have no trouble being a gross SOB

  4. All the time? We live in England! ⛈️🌬🥶

    But seriously, not a problem. But pretty impractical. Try to fry bacon without any clothes on…

  5. It honestly depends most on how my body image is at the time. If I’m feeling good about how I look, I feel fine with it (although I don’t like being cold, so with that caveat lol). If I’m feeling self-conscious about my body, I don’t like it much. No matter what he’s always been kind and has never said anything rude about my body.

  6. All the time? Uncomfortable because I get cold easily and discharge exists. In small doses like a shower or in bed etc? Perfectly comfortable.

  7. I’m not interested in being naked all the time. I’m totally comfortable being naked around my partner, but I’m not interested in spending all my time naked.

  8. That is amazing being fully naked around your partner and see how he/she looks to your body is super amazing

  9. My discomfort about being naked is physical, not psychological. I just start to feel sweaty and gross, or too cold. That’s true regardless of who I’m around.

    I’ll still be naked for the duration of sex or a shower/bath or whatever. I’m just not someone who enjoys being casually naked very often.

  10. Probably too comfortable. 100%+ extra. I’ll lay in bed with crumbs in my butt crack and food on my face just kickin my feet up fartin around 😂

  11. Very chill, I am half the time anyway as we sleep naked. I’ll only put clothes on when I’m just with him if I need to for some practical reason.

  12. I don’t like to walk around naked in general because my boobs need support but we sleep naked. He always rushes to get to bed first so he can watch me undress.

  13. We are 6 months into dating. I spend most of my time naked when we are his house. And I’ve never felt more comfortable being naked around someone

  14. About 20-40% of the time, assuming it’s warm enough and we’re not in a setting with nudity taboos. Sometimes I want to wear things with weight. Sometimes I want to wear something fluffy and cozy. And I like having pockets handy.

  15. A tad shy; I’ve got curves, I’ve got stretch marks but I’ve always had the confidence in my body. Have no shame at all never have never will!

  16. My partner sort of converted me into a nudist, haha. Around the house I barely wear clothes anymore cause of him. Just the occasional robe now when I need to cook or so.

  17. I am not comfortable with being naked all the time no matter who is around. I don’t mind being naked when it’s useful, but if there is no point to it, I’m putting clothes on.

  18. We seen eachother in so many y compromising /intimate ways what does it matter to be chilling while naked? 🤷‍♂️

  19. I am nude fairly often. I feel very comfortable with myself and don’t mind people seeing me.

  20. Very comfortable. He tells me how hot I am every time I am naked. Even though I had a baby, have stretch marks and cellulite, I truly believe he thinks I’m beautiful. Screw the twisted beauty standards we have today.

  21. I’m someone who would much rather be wearing clothes most of the time partner or not. I am very comfortable undressing around my partner though and don’t hesitate to do so for sex/showers/baths. But I don’t get naked without a reason to.

  22. Considering everything he and I have done in the bedroom, letting him see me naked is rated G. Doesn’t bother me at all

  23. I’m just one of those people that doesn’t like being naked in general – regardless of relationship status or how I feel about my body at the time.

  24. I’m always comfortable being naked around my husband. I always enjoy being adored and flattered by him and he loves the view! 😉😉

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