TL;DR : Ex cheated on me with his other gf (he was two-timing). Now he is in another serious relationship but has reached out to me a few times. It may be petty but I want everyone to know what he’s done!!

My ex from 2.5 years ago has sent me a few messages in the past couple of months. He cheated on me and another gf (two-timing us) so the fact he is writing to me now is making me think he’s up to his old ways, since he has a gf.

I have not intent on responding and blocked him. It is really upsetting me because he hurt me so bad and a lot of his friends knew what he did to me. All that said, now that he is writing to me while having a gf, I just wish everyone knew what he was doing..again!

  1. You could forward his messages to his new girl and explain the situation… but she may not believe you and do you really want to add unnecessary drama to your life? He sounds like a pos, his relationship will eventually blow up in his face regardless of what you do. The best revenge is a life well lived and you can’t be working on your life if you’re focused on your exes life. For your sake, I think moving on would be most helpful.

    BUT I would appreciate it if i was the gf and you warned me about this scum . Sometimes I think we women should warn eachother more… but obviously every situation is different.

  2. Screenshot and forward, what she does with those messages is none of your business though

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