How do you feel if people close to you forget your birthday?

  1. I don’t really mind – people have busy lives and remembering one specific date isn’t going to be high on their priority list. My feelings aren’t hurt.

  2. I don’t care. I don’t think it’s a special day, so I don’t expect others to either.

  3. Depends how close. Like if my parents, significant other, or siblings forgot I would be pissed lol but anyone beyond that I’m just happy if they say happy birthday that week or whatever. If you had a close friend who was almost like a sibling and they normally always remember and then they forget without apologies I would think we were no longer close anymore 💔

  4. Don’t care much. People handle priorities differently, I won’t be upset if I’m not at the top of other people’s lists.

  5. Happened to me recently, but I’m so used to it that it doesn’t even hurt my feelings anymore.

  6. I don’t care. I’m really bad at remembering them too and have forgotten other people’s birthdays before

  7. Irritated. I make an effort to remember other people’s birthdays, so the fact that they do not find me as important is demoralizing.

  8. It depends on how close, we are not that big on birthdays so I’m not going to mind if my aunts/uncles forgets example.
    But, my sister forgot my birthday this year (well now last year), which hurt a bit – but tbh that was mostly because I know that means that she is having a rough time dealing with her ADD, as she normally would shot me a at least a little text.

  9. My mom died a week before my 27th birthday and her funeral was on my 27th birthday. For years I kind of played along with people celebrating.

    Then for the past several years my family has kind of forgotten about me. Maybe not the birthday wishes. But we usually do a present. I’m still owed them. My sister had a big surprise for her 40th. Other sister got a airbnb night with us. Food, drinks, hot tub. I spent my 40th alone after my sister refused to host my birthday dinner. (My work had a bed bug outbreak) I’m still owed presents for 3 years which I will never see. Never gotten an airbnb or even a damn manicure.

    Frankly, after years of wishing away the bad feelings associated with the day……I kinda wish that I got the feeling someone gave a damn on the day. Beyond a birthday wish and a quick meal if we are all together the weekend of.

    This year maybe I will take myself away on my birthday.

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