Do you actually get turned on by a girl enjoying herself more than you enjoy getting yourself off? And do you realize you guys are probably the best sex any girl has ever had?

  1. Let’s be practical, here; many many women don’t have the long refractory period that many men have. Why NOT take advantage of this???

  2. Hell yeah! There is nothing sexier than a female orgasm, especially a multiple orgasm!, so hot! I love playing with toys too, so many different sensations! The holy grail is equal pleasure though, everyone likes to be spoilt now and then…

  3. I’m college I had a female neighbor who was complaining about the same thing. I mentioned pillow princesses and how much I enjoyed giving oral. For the next 5 months, I was oncall for her with nothing in return. It was a lot of fun 😊

  4. Guy here. Love giving oral, far more than receiving. I have been giving my wife oral almost every encounter, week in, week out, for close to 30 years. I am absolutely mad about her, her orgasms are the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced. At the peak of her own pleasure she is so utterly beautiful, that simply to bear witness to it is an honor that has no equal. I truly love her with all my heart and soul.

    She does tell me that am the best lover she has ever had. Obviously I have no way of knowing if that is actually true, but I was good enough for her to spend the rest of her life with me, so there’s that, lol.

  5. My tinder profile literally is just so I can give oral, if there are girls in West Sussex, that want it, I would literally love them to lie down in bed and I would do my utter best with no want for the favour returned. I love the feeling of a squirming body because I’m pleasuring her. What is not to like?!

  6. My husband is this way, and he is by far the most enjoyable sex I’ve ever had. One night he devoted hours to seeing how many orgasms I could have…I tapped out at 30 because I thought I was going to convulse to death! 🫦

  7. Absolutely yes. I’ve always been a giver and enjoyed that about myself. I’m proud that the women who choose to spend their time with me and bless me with that most intimate gift, have a great time.

    The one I’m with currently is 26 years old and just last month told me I’m the first person to ever make her cum from oral. That’s WILD to me, like. 26! I hardly ever get inside a woman unless I’ve made her cum at least once beforehand. It’s just good manners…

    As others have said it’s a thrill, it’s a rush, and yes it is absolutely arousing to get a woman off. Never understood the selfish lover type, always speaks to deeper issues imo.

  8. My fiancé wants to get me off SO MUCH MORE than he himself wants to. I can get oral and fingered literally whenever I want (realistically ofc)

    He prefers giving me pleasure 🤷🏼‍♀️ he doesn’t ever care if he even finishes or not

  9. Its not selfless because i enjoy nothing more in this world than taking care of my wifes sexual needs and desires. My own orgasm is never mandatory and nothing more (but also nothing less) than the icing on the cake.

  10. Some guys I’ve been with have been turned on by giving me pleasure. Some have not and think of it as merely an obligation. Some won’t do it at all.

  11. Absolutely!
    Look for nice guys who listen intently to you when you talk. Golden retriever energy with a little hint of spiciness/soft tops

  12. Yes we exist, id like to consider myself selfless in the bedroom, there is nothing more that i enjoy then watching someone get off because of me. Where to find us well we are all around good luck in your search

  13. Yep. I will always go down on a woman and make sure she has an orgasm during sex. Then I’ll get off after.

  14. I have no idea if my partner enjoy getting me off more than himself. But he certainly enjoy it and if I’m not satisfied yet after a session. (Want more orgasms) he provide even if he himself is done.

    We both enjoy giving each other pleasure and I think that is what makes great sex. Having both people enjoying their partners pleasure.

  15. In regards to how we find them: consider the first few sexual encounters their audition. If they aren’t putting in the effort, let them go.

    There’s definitely men who will spend as much time as is necessary making sure the job gets done and enjoying the process.

  16. Oh, we exist. But after hearing the horror stories my GF (45F) tells me about her past partners, we must be a dying breed…

    The first time we got intimate, I (50M) took my sweet time. Nothing in the world on my mind but making sure every square inch of her body was relaxed and worshipped. Toes, calves, thighs, back, breasts, neck, back of her head, shoulders, belly button – you name it, I kissed it. I worked it all once, twice, thrice before I even touched her lady bits. By the time I got down to the hot zone, there was so much sexual tension you could have cut it with a knife. I put my tongue on her, and she came almost immediately… and again, and again — and squirted enough to soak 5 layers of sheets, blanket, and mattress pad. By the time I stuck it in, she was panting and flushed, begging for penetration. Afterwards, she told me that nobody had ever taken their time and such care to get her to that level of heightened excitement — that most guys just touch you a minute or two, maybe a quick lick, maybe a finger, then stick it in and they’re done and roll over.

    It’s been a couple months now, and it’s been getting hotter and better time after time. And I don’t get mine, until she’s gotten hers first. I can close my eyes and think about her scent, her wetness, and how good she tastes – and I tell her when it’s on my mind, and she thinks about the next time. Builds anticipation, and I’m sure to deliver on my promises.

    Yeah, we’re out there. Don’t stop looking until you find somebody that worships you like a goddess, their own personal Venus, Aphrodite —

  17. 36M, love being selfless in bed. Holding her in my arms as I kiss her neck, bringing her closer and closer, feeling her body tense up and down. Love it

  18. I spend an hour last night eating my wife’s ass and licking her pussy. Every time she reached for my penis I’d push her hand away. It’s all about her sometimes.

  19. Male 34. I have always been more of a giver than reciever. I love foreplay and eating a girl out gets my dick so hard. I enjoy eating pussy so much it gets me turned on. Im very selfless and love to please the girl as getting her off is what gets me off.

  20. I don’t like cumming honestly – I feel like that’s the end of the sex. I would love to be used for her pleasure as much ad she can handle if I can pace myself.

  21. I would always prefer my woman to have twice the number of orgasms that I do. Her pleasure IS my pleasure.

  22. Absolutely. I am a Pleasure Dom. I get more pleasure from giving pleasure. If she wants restraints and spanks, I give that. If she likes toys, I use them on her. Her favorite position? Yep. I LOVE watching and hearing a woman orgasm. If she communicates even a little about what she likes, I listen, watch her body language, and pay attention. I make her feel safe and like she is the only thing in the world, so she can relax and enjoy the sensations. I’ve also found that because I’m like this, the attention is almost always reciprocated. It turns into a competition over who can bring the other the ultimate experience.

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