Men of reddit, what is one thing you wish you tried or want to try in college?

  1. Threesome with 2 women. I had a shot cause a gf I had was pretty slutty, but the girl she wanted to do it with was not to my liking.

    But whatever this chick was the first one I ever raw dogged. So I was happy just to get that.

    I did pretty much everything I wanted to try when I was in college.

  2. I wish I had the sense to not care about what people thought of me. College/young adulthood would have rocked if I was not so within myself the majority of the time.

  3. I tried everything I wanted to try that was available to me. Even a class called “ethics of Catholicsm” that was pretty interesting.

  4. Restraint, of any kind whatsoever. I’d like to try not indulging in every single idea I have in my mind.

  5. i never went on spring break when i was in college so i would have to say a traditional spring break vacation is up there for me

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