Hi! Sorry for an anonymous account. I’m (25F) soon moving in with my boyfriend (28M). We’ve been together for almost 2 years now, and our sex life is perfect in my opinion. But my question is – how do you maintain this on a daily basis, when you live together? What’s the best advice that you could give us?
I really love him and I’m looking forward to spending the rest of my life with him, in the good and bad times. I want to make sure that we’re doing everything that we can to be happy with each other. Thank you in advance!

  1. Just remember that relationships shouldn’t always be hard work but they aren’t effortless either. Thinking about your partner regularly, having open, honest conversations and resolving conflicts quickly are good ways to keep a relationship healthy.

  2. Learn how to have a disagreement without it being a fight… so how does that relate to your sex life, right?

    Your sex life oftentimes fails because of resentment and lack of communication.

  3. Beyond communicating and resolving conflict effectively – keep dating, keep flirting and having physical intimacy outside the bedroom and it’ll continue into the bedroom. Just because you’re officially settling down doesn’t mean you both don’t want to feel desired.

  4. I have posted on this dozens of time.

    Marriage or any long term relationship is not the “killer” of sex. It is life and ultimately the people within life, that can be the killer if you allow it.

    It is no surprise as most people get into long term relationships that a ton of other “life” things start happening. House. Kids. Stress. Job. Stress. Getting old. Aging parents. Sickness. More family. More friends. Medical issues. Etc. Etc. Etc.

    For us, being together 25+ years has absolutely zero to do with when sex gets “rare.” It is all the other things I listed above.

    And, to be very honest, I feel being in a long term relationship, actually helps those things above not impact sex as much as it could if you were alone or not in a long term relationship. You have the dedication and support of your partner to help with life and hopefully thusly not effect other things (like sex).

    After 25+ years our sex life just keeps getting better and better.

    We are comfortable with each other, which helps a lot with exploring fetishes. We know how to communicate, which helps with everything related to sex. We love each other and are committed to making each other happy, which helps with all things sex. We trust each other implicitly, which helps even more.

    The mindset of how can I “maintain” good sex in marriage, in my opinion, is the wrong mindset to even start with. Sorry.


  5. -if you had a fight never sleep without solving it

    -keep some mystery, I mean don’t be naked in front of each other in non-sexual moments all the time

    -Never ask questions where you know the answer might hurt you

    -give each other space when required

    -fuck like there is no tomorrow

    I hope it helps 😉

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