What habit did you start or stop that drastically improved your life? Love life, health, happiness, focus… etc

  1. ever since I stopped picking my nose in public I have became extremely wealthy smarter much better socially and I could focus better clearly best thing I did

  2. I started meditating and it drastically improved my life. I am happier, healthier and more focused.

  3. Yoga and meditation.

    Now that I’m getting older (36) even though I’m a gym rat I been feeling like my body is getting stiffer. I started Yoga and I’m 4 months into it and body feels looser, I can reach areas of my back previously impossible.

    Meditation, I started about 6 months ago. I sucked at first and it took few weeks of daily for 10 mins. I use the Calm app, usually do it in my car before going into office.

  4. 1. Started working out consistently while changing my eating habits – this has improved my mental health as well
    2. Going to therapy has been successful so far – I’ve identified my coping mechanisms, my insecurities , my fears.

  5. Lifting weights three days a week and doing cardio the other three days. Felt great. Relieved my anxiety and depression, lost weight, gained muscle, boosted confidence.

  6. exercise and stopped drinking sugary drinks.

    my life changed drastically when i decided to get myself together into shape and brighten up my look and mind.

    of course when you do this people start to envy and target you more than they ever have 🙂

  7. Stopped smoking weed regularly. I had developed a dependency, so a week after stopping cold turkey the cravings went away. My mind doesn’t feel so muddled, especially after waking up.

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