I have a question. If a girl values your opinion and follows your advice, does she like you or just wanting to be friends?

  1. She likes you enough to listen, does she add points to what you say or similar experiences?

  2. To me it just sounds like respect If u really want to know if she likes you or are at least interested ask her on a date and if she says no you know your answer .

  3. Does she smile a lot at you

    does she chose to hang around you

    does she constantly brush up against you or touch you

    Does she laugh at or agree with everything you say

    Do you guys laugh at lot when you’re together

    Does she make sexual jokes around you

    Does she stare at you

    Does she gravitate towards you

    Does she seek you out, try to get your attention

    If you’re by yourself, does she come and talk to you

    Does she inntiate interactions

    It’s actually pretty easy to tell when a girl likes you if can see the language for what it is

    Here’s a body language trick: do her pupils dilate and does she puff her chess at you.

    When she talks to you is it like her boobs are trying to pop out towards you.

    Does she play with her hair

  4. If you wanna get simpler with it

    When you talk to her does she seem like she’s in a good mood or bad.

    If she seems to be in a bad mood when you talk to her than she doesn’t like you, if she gets happy and cheerful when you’re around than she likes you.

    If she’s neutral than you’re maybe just a friend

  5. It’s s common mistake that men make where a girl being friendly is interpreted as sexual interest. Ask yourself if you’d be asking this question about a guy friend if he treated you this way. If the answer is no, then it’s probably nothing.

    But regardless of the answer, just ask her if she like to go on a date sometime. If she says no, then just shrug and move on. If she says yes, then you have your answer.

  6. She’ll tell you.

    “I have a question. If a girl values your opinion and follows your advice, does she like you or just wanting to be friends?”

    I have an answer.



    One way or another you’re going to get your answer.

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