So long story short, I was infatuated by this girl at the gym who has a boyfriend who goes with her. I don’t even know her personally. I found out that last year, the gym location will be shutting down and we will be re-assigned to a different area. However, it’s almost been 7 months since the move and I still can’t stop thinking about her. It hurts to not know where she’s at and I even bought the all access club pass just to see if she would show up at the gym. I try to fight the urge to figure out where she might end up but I know I have to move on from her, but it’s incredibly difficult to do so. Any tips or remedy would be grateful.

  1. Moving on is maybe too strong a term here. Shift your attention to other things, like getting to know someone who will actually get to know you too. I don’t mean to sound harsh but going around like this trying to see her is creepy by general standards. Don’t stay in ypur head all alone, create real and reciprocal relationships.

  2. Dude this is stalking and it’s creepy. Get control of your thoughts and stop obsessing about her. What you’re doing is ruining your chances by being creepy. If she ever does break up with him and you somehow get extremely lucky and get a date with her, she would lose all interest when she learned you have been obsessed with her. Reorganize your thoughts

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