We met spontaneously at an event and had a pleasant chat. We exchanged numbers and have been meeting for coffee regularly, a lot of flirting etc.

She went off in early December to see her family but we kept in touch through text. She gave me small updates on what she is doing, and we chatted playfully. One week before christmas the texts got really flirty but after that she stopped texting me first and I had to initiate every time.

I texted her 5 times since then, including at christmas and new years. She answers and gives me sweet answers with follow up questions and such. Before new years when she was coming home to our state she texted: see you soon.

Last time we texted was on Monday and there is nothing but quiet since then. I don’t know if she lost interest if she doesn’t want to meet or what is wrong. Seems kind of illogical too that she would give me thoughtful answers when I write…

What should I do? Try to text her again, invite her for coffee again or just not text her anymore? I feel sad that she stopped giving me attention back 🙁

  1. Is my understanding correct? You had repeated opportunities (over coffee) to ask her out and failed.

    If so, she’s not interested in a pen pal.

    Alternatively, she reconnected with an Ex back home.

  2. if I’m understanding the timeline, etc– I would reach out one more time with a solid, clear, invitation/ plan to do something. no small talk for the sake of small talk, no flirty or jokey shit, just the basic “how are yas/ how ya been” and then get to the point.

    if she continues being distant/ doesn’t respond, move on.

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