My boyfriend is into cuckoldry and I am willing to try things out with him. As a toe dip, we recently bought a dildo that is bigger than him. It felt great, but the next day when we had vanilla sex, it did not feel as pleasurable for me as it used to before using the dildo.

I feel anxious and horrible about lusting after that toy during intimacy but my bf reassures me that it is fine, but I hate that it doesn’t feel as good anymore.

Does anyone have any experience with this or any tips? How long would it take for me to “feel” him like normal again?

TLDR – used a big dildo and now sex isn’t as pleasurable with my bf currently

  1. Maybe it’s a mental thing? I use large dildos but sex with my partner is still fantastic

  2. In cases like this, don’t use a single example as “proof” of anything.

    Millions of women will be using a dildo tonight around the world and almost none of them are going to feel like it diminishes “actual penis sex”. I’m not sure why you feel the way you do but I doubt it’s physical at all, it sounds very much psychological.

  3. This is a mental thing for sure.

    Your vagina is entirely elastic. It doesn’t stretch out permanently when you’re using a large dildo. It returned back to its prior state within minutes.

    You might have liked how filling the sensation of the dildo was in comparison to your boyfriend, but your body did not change because of it. You could try to abstain from the toy for a while.

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