OK, so I’ve been socially awkward since I can remember, except when I was a little cute kid (like when I was 6 or something). Anyways, I’ve gotten better over the years. I’m in my late 20’s now but there are still situations where I don’t know what to do, for basic things that I should know what to do, such as when to wave/greet someone and so on.

Anyways, something that I’ve been thinking about is, what should I do after being socially awkward in a situation. Let’s say that I was going to say “bye” to a friend at work, but then I saw them talking to someone else, and so I just left without saying anything. Let’s also suppose they saw me walk towards them and leave. When I see them again, should I acknowledge what happened or just not mention it? These type of weird situations happen to me all the time. Yeah, I’m stupid. With my other friends, it was them who initiated the interaction by saying “hi” or “bye”, and so over time I would start doing the same thing to them since I felt more comfortable. However, with a new year and all, I want to change that and be more proactive in my social social interactions.

But back to the original question, in situations like these, or all other types of situations, should I bring up the thing or just not bring it up (but still change my future behavior)? Also, in that specific example I gave, should I interrupt their conversation to say “bye” or just leave?

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