Haven’t dated anyone, and I’m finishing my degree soon so figured I should start getting into the swing of things.

I’m not really a physically affectionate person or have a high libido. So was wondering if this will be an issue at all, or is it a non-issue?

  1. Find someone like you it won’t be an issue. Find a guy who is a hornball it will be an issue.

  2. It depends on the person, for some guys it’s a non issue, for some it’s a huge issue. Just be honest about it, because mismatched sex drives are very hard to overcome.

  3. It is for some it ain’t for others. My love language is touch but I have a low sex drive. Find someone who matches what you want. Its. Ot a guy thing it’s a person thing. We’re all different 🙂 but good luck you’ll find someone!!

  4. It depends on the person. Me personally, yes it would be an issue. I would try to find someone who matches your libido and is fine with not much physical affectionate. There’s people out there just like you and it will not be a problem for you

  5. You are probably in the minority, but certainly there is a match for you out there.

  6. By and large, yes that’s going to be an issue. Men are typically interested in intimacy and sex. The “some guys will be ok with it” answers hide that they will be a very small number of the dating pool. You should be aware of that.

    So, you need to be explicitly clear that you’re not very interested in that and find a partner that mirrors your personality in this way.

    Lying or hiding it by omission would be foolish…and counterproductive.

  7. I’m talking to a girl who is exactly this, her emotional attraction builds a lot more before her physical attraction does. At first it confused me and made me overthink a bit, but if you reassure them what you told us and added a few extra words here and there, it’d mean the world of a difference.

  8. It would be a big non-starter for a lot of men. Romantic intimacy and sex are what make a relationship or dating stage valid, without them, it would be a friendship and many men don’t want to be with women under the pretence of intimacy and sex without it actually being shown to a degree. You have to understand most men want intimacy and sex in a relationship or in the process of dating someone, if you date someone there will be an expectation of intimacy because that is the nature of the relationship you are seeking. I understand your personal preference & attitude but get it through your head that you will be putting off a lot of men and possibly limiting your dating choices because you are unwilling to provide what the majority of men want. I’m not saying there are guys who are on the same page as you because there are, but I will be honest from my perspective as a man MANY are not. I think to a lot of guys we use intimacy & sex as a gauge of interest, depending on the level of intimacy a guy may think you are unattracted to him and dip to the women that will give out the cooch because to men sex is a clear & unfiltered sign of interest.

    I have seen whole relationships blow up because the woman has a lower libido and is less willing to be affectionate, heck I’ve seen dudes straight up cheat because their women weren’t down to get nasty or be more affectionate sexually and had to get their needs met elsewhere. When it comes to the actual point of the kind of guys who share the same views or attitude towards this, there are not many in fact you are would be searching for a ridiculously low percentage of guys and since you have no experience with dating this will only get harder as you have no prior experience when it comes to dating as a whole or even attracting this kind of miracle man that you want.

    This is a battle of either sticking to your guns and seeing what happens knowing that you won’t be as successful OR accommodating the wants of a large majority of men and going from there. My advice would be to make it clear from the get-go, your preference is your preference and I will be honest you will drive a lot of men away because most men want consistent intimacy in relationships and you are unwilling to provide that but it will keep guys around who are of the same mindset as you. Just be honest from the jump & you should be good.

  9. People are trying to toe the line and give you the easy “some do some don’t” answer, honestly I believe a lack of physical affection would be a turn off for the large overwhelming majority of men, like 90%+

  10. Physical touch is a love language for me so it would be for me. You’d need to have a conversation about love language to determine whether it’s a big deal to the other person or not.

  11. For most men, yes…it will be an issue as physical touch and physical intimacy are a primary love language for many men, if not the majority of us men. However, there is some men out there who don’t have that as a love language tho…In which case it won’t be a problem

  12. Depends on the guy. I can live with a girlfriend with a less active libido, but the lack of physical affection (hugs, kiss, etc…) would be problematic for me. To each their own.

  13. It depends on what you mean by issue? Will it prevent you from finding a relationship entirely? No. But will it limit your dating pool? Yes.

    Youll just have to find someone who feels the same way as you.. but you can think of the dating pool scale like a triangle for this example… on either ends of the spectrum youll have less and less options, whether your physical affection is low or super high…

  14. I’m not touchy feely but it is nice if the girl is tbh but not too much. I like when it’s regulated.

  15. It really depends on who you’re dealing with, wanting physical affection and sexual intimacy is a subjective thing, I’m pretty sure most people would prefer it though, but it’s not impossible to find someone who doesn’t value, want, or need that in a relationship.

  16. Depends on the guy. I personally get turned off by women who are overly affectionate.

  17. No. Just understand a man attraction to attractive women and don’t like hate him for being a guy that’s what will be the turn off

  18. Yes, that would definitely be an issue. That’s the main difference between a normal friend and a relationship.

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