Posting anonymously because this feels really private!

I think it’s cute and kind of sexy when my (33f) husband (33m) finds other women attractive. I’m always asking if he thinks a woman is a hottie (like actresses on tv or a stranger in a restaurant or whatever), and I feel like he’s hesitant to answer. But I really mean it, I like it – it feels like it’s a window into his sexuality and it’s so fascinating to me.

Do other women ever experience this? And guys, would it make you uncomfortable (like my husband seems to be) to be asked about this by your wife?

Tl;dr: I like when my husband is attracted to other women.

  1. Have you explained to him that you like knowing and when he says yes it doesn’t make you feel bad? Because it is very common for a question like that to be a trap where only answering no leads to a good outcome, which is why he is probably uncomfortable. But if you explain how you feel and how hearing a yes also makes you feel good, that should help a lot.

  2. As a man, whenever my Ex would ask me these kind of questions, alarms would go off, my defenses would go up and my brain would be simultaneously screaming, “What the hell did you do, you idiot?” and “It’s a trap! Don’t answer!”

    Needless to say, extremely uncomfortable. That being said, my ex did not want me acknowledging that there was an opposite sex besides her.

    You will probably need to communicate your desires clearly. And if I am being honest, you are probably going to have to communicate them more than once. He will need much reassurance from you that it is ok (safe) for him to look until he is very comfortable with it.

    It is kind of like the age old question, “Does this dress make my butt look big?” Guys cringe and run away from these types of questions.

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