What is one thing about you that you can brag about

  1. I read 2-3 books a week. I buy the audiobook and the physical book. I listen while I’m at work because I use my hands and I read the physical book at home.

    It’s kind of expensive though.

  2. I ran a 10:50 two mile in the army . I flat benched 425lbs at 210lb body weight. I also flat benched 225lbs for 30 reps the same year. I dunked a basketball in high school. I know that’s more than one but they are literally my only accomplishments so now you know me.

  3. I don’t drink
    I don’t smoke
    I don’t do drugs
    I go to gym 7 days a week

    I can bench 100 kg for 15 reps

  4. I hope no one that lost someone to the same illness takes offense to this, but beating cancer at age 23 is something I can brag about. I think? 😭

  5. In less than two years, I’ll have a total of three bachelors degrees. Almost 40 years old

  6. I got caught jerking off at a party in high school and played it so cool I suffered no social consequences.

  7. Got a C1 in another language and got my college degree from the best public college of my country.

    Maybe that i lost my virginity fucking a girl 8 years older than me (20-28), that made me feel special hahahaha

    There are a couple of things i may say, but those 3 came to my mind with this

  8. I can overhead press more weight than anyone I’ve ever met.

    I’ve never had Covid or the Flu in my life.

    I’ve shot a perfect 60X 300 indoor archery score.

    Well… I guess that’s 3 things, but still pretty good

  9. Fast reflexes for a guy my size, wanna bump into me on the street? THINK AGAIN, imma slide past you and follow up with a “my bad”

    Welcome to Canada bud.

  10. I have no problem cutting people out of my life if they interfere with my well being

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