For me, to be completely honest, a long hug would do wonders for me right now. I feel like most men barely hug, and if they do, it’s barely a full embrace.

  1. to work fewer hours. it’s incomprehensible to me that we let 5 days, 40 hours week be the norm and that people who want to opt out of it are considered lazy

  2. Help from my parents. I can’t afford my textbooks and they’d be so happy to help but I just can’t bring myself to ask them for help paying for them. I can’t face the possibility of admitting to my parents that I’m broke

  3. Got out of a horrific marriage a few years ago. I simply will not date or be in a relationship ever again, even after years of therapy. But I’m touch starved. Criticize me all you want, but paying nice sex workers for some companionship is like having cheat codes to dealing with this without having even more therapy.

  4. Fun fact; society doesn’t see you as anything, society doesn’t even know you exist. The only people that matter are the ones you love, people you want close to you, friends and family, and if they think you’re weak for wanting a hug, maybe time to find some replacement friends and family.

  5. Fucking sleep tbh man, like affections cool and all that’s probably be a close 2nd or words of appreciation but dead ass I need some GAH DAMN SLEEP

  6. I dont care nor do i really know i think. I always think that someone judging le is an idiot. And its always at least à little true.

  7. I don’t particularly care how “society” sees me, as long as my family and friends love and respect me.

    That said, I’d love a really kick-ass robotic vacuum that self empties and will last many years. That’s not so much me being “weak”, as a really nice break for my wife and I. So like an intentionally-lazy gesture.

  8. Thats not a thing. Youre missing the context behind the hug. Some guy acting like a bitch over something he caused and then wanting a hug… yea that would be seen as weak. A guy getting a hug cause a loved one died, normal. A father hugging a son, normal. A hug itself is not defined as weak or strong, just as a normal human action done at appropriate times. Out of appropriate times will put anything under scrutiny.

  9. Multiple wives.

    But only one of them is the Wife, the other are wives.

    And they live in a second house behind my first house, we call it the “Palace.”

    And they are all pregnant except for Shelly because she is barren.

    And we all lived happily ever after.

  10. Either for my ex to come back to me or for the pain to just stop. That shit put me in a god damned identity crisis

  11. I’m an adult male comic book nerd who collects comic book action figures (marvel, dc, starwars etc). And I’ve gotten mixed reactions from friends/family and strangers. I’ve learned that my confidence when explaining my hobby to others has a huge impact on their overall reaction. As well as my reception to their responses, like embracing the nerdom aspects, i.e., not taking offense when being called nerd or geek, etc.

    Yeah I collect action figures or toys, I’m not worried the hobby brings me joy and that’s enough for me. To some an adult who collects figures is perceived as weak or less mature or masculine. The hobby has zero impact on others so im not sure what’s the deal. An interesting stat i learned that 25% of all toy sales are adults buying for themselves.

  12. I’d like to not feel disposable if I just want to work less and lead a simple life.

  13. I haven’t been hugged for 12 years, which may seem not much to most of the men, but i’m just 25, i feel you bro.

  14. Nothing wrong with that bro. I just asked my wife to pluck my external ear hair, grooming is comforting.

  15. A little help cash-wise to pick up what the salary just can’t manage to cover anymore.

  16. You think a long hug would make “society” think you’re weak? Oh boy. What society is this? Where do you live?

  17. A break. Just a few hours, not even a day, to myself to not work on my show business (I’m a director and actor) and nothing with my politic obsessed family or anything for just a little bit

  18. oh man, a second ago, I was thinking about to ask for a hug to someone I love, then I read your title and think “a hugh”, then read the whole post and that´s what I´m feeling now.

  19. I salute you on the hug.

    There’s been a number of deaths in my family this last year, I’ve been stolen from twice, and my real career doesn’t have any openings at the moment near me so I’m struggling to make it in an industry I haven’t worked in in a decade.

    May this recession be brief.

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