TL;DR; : So, I tried writing this while I was tired at 3 am and I’m sorry that it kept jumping from one topic to the next so I’m going to try to make it less confusing

I 18F got broken up with by my long-distance boyfriend 19M of a year broke up with me and I had a guy friend18M I had found attractive for a while, and I never made a move. His ex(his good friend at the time) helped me build my confidence to ask him out as I was very self-conscious at the time I didn’t know how to even walk up to him but one day in the old apartments I used to live in I sat next to him while he was by a play area watching his little brother long story short I asked him out and he said yes everything was great for a while. I was starting to finally feel like myself again. This lasted from October-November I ended up telling him in late October that I was moving in November but I would like to stay in a relationship with him. We talk about how things would change like where we would meet, when we would meet, how things would change, and if we were comfortable with these changes he said he was perfectly fine with these changes everything was fine until Thanksgiving break we would talk and text each other every day and meet at school. When the break started we were on great terms there was nothing in his behavior that told me he was unhappy though he did tell me he was going to be spending time with family and wouldn’t be available. I thought everything was fine until his ex(his good friend) texted me and asked why I broke up with him I never broke up with him so I texted her and asked what do you mean I broke up with him? She then told me he was in a relationship with her best friend I’m going to call Jamie I didn’t believe her at first but she gave me a screen recording and a video of them I cried for a while and she asked me if I could tell Jamie because she wouldn’t believe her so I did and it didn’t go well. I left the whole situation alone until my best friend started to talk about Jamie which just added more fuel to the flames because one of her friends I’m going to call Amelia texted me and asked what was going on which then lead to me telling her everything no detail spared. Jamie finally believed me but she didn’t leave him which made me feel worse but the problem is after all that happened I still had feelings for him I still really liked him and I missed him a lot more than I expected I felt worse because I had just gotten back with my boyfriend that had broken up with me before my relationship with him. I didn’t want to tell him anything because I don’t know how he would react Please give me some advice I’m really sad and confused I don’t know what to do I’m sorry again if this is still confusing.

  1. Girl. Reading this was a challenge. Might want to consider adding a few periods here and there to break up the run on sentences.

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