The best definition of love I found was Bell Hook’s in All About Love. She says it’s nurturing that enables the spiritual growth of you and your partner.

I grew up without a father figure. I dont know what it is like to receive love from a masculine figure. Most people I have dated have been emotionally unavailable to me. I have been searching for mutual reciprocal true love, does it even exist? I feel a bit lost in my quest.

  1. If I’m showing my projects to you. I trust you to a point I am comfortable enough to be judged most my family doesn’t get that right.

  2. Bust my ass every day so we can have nice things……hand her my check and don’t ask questions…..!
    Listen when she talks , hold her hand when we walk , take her side when I don’t really think so , and tell her I love her multiple times a day….!
    And I wink at her all the time from across the room……that’s what really does it for her 🤣🤣🤣

  3. I’d wanna spend a lot of time with you, playing silly games together or watching stuff, and I’d want to make you feel better about any problems or insecurities you may have. And lots of cuddling and hugging and touching if irl

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